
2024 Annual Street Listing, Dog Licenses & Elections

Happy New Year! The 2024 Annual Street Listings have been mailed to each household in Goshen, and you should be receiving yours soon. If you haven’t received one, you can find printable blank copies on the Town Clerk webpage at or contact me to receive another: Please fill out info for everyone who … Continued

Public Hearing on Proposed Zoning By-law Changes – August 10, 2023

The Planning Board for the Town of Goshen will hold two public hearings regarding proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw on August 10, 2023 at the Goshen Town Hall, 42 Main Street, Goshen, MA. Beginning at 7 pm, a hearing on a proposal to add a Floodplain section, as required by FEMA (the Federal Emergency … Continued

2023 Annual Town Election Results

The results of the annual town election can be found here: Annual Town Election Results 6.3.2023. We had 10% voter turnout. I’d like to thank our dedicated election workers: Shannon Wade, Warden Kit Rock, Clerk Charlie Amo, Constable Henrietta Munroe Roxanne Cunningham Jenny Bisbee Roger Culver Evelyn Kellogg-Culver Kerry Normandin I also thank my assistant, … Continued

June 3, 2023 Annual Town Election

The Annual Town Election will be held on Saturday, June 3rd from 9am-1pm in the John James Memorial Hall, located at 42 Main Street. Here is a sample ballot: Goshen ATE 2023 SAMPLE Ballot We invite you to take a few minutes that day to participate in your local government! Our election workers devote a good … Continued

Dog license late fee begins June 1st, 2023

Town Clerk Kristen Estelle reminds residents that the late fee for dog licenses goes into effect June 1st, 2023. The late fee is $25 per dog on top of the license fee. To obtain a 2023 dog license, you can: Stop by during office hours (Monday 8:30-2:30 & 6-8) and bring cash or check, valid … Continued

2023 Annual Town Meeting & Election

The Annual Town Election will be held on Saturday, June 3rd from 9am-1pm in the John James Memorial Hall, located at 42 Main Street. In addition to in person voting on election day, Vote by Mail is a permanent option for all Massachusetts voters. You can register to do so in the following ways: Submit … Continued

2023 Caucus, Town Meeting & Town Election Info

Town Caucus The 2023 Town Caucus will be held on Monday, April 10th at 7pm in the town hall. All registered voters are invited to participate. Any town resident may be nominated for any of the positions below. Please consider joining us so we make our quorum of 25 voters. Once a quorum is met, … Continued

Special Town Meeting: Monday, March 13, 2023 at 7pm

There will be a Special Town Meeting on Monday, March 13th at 7pm in the John James Memorial Hall, 42 Main Street. When you come in the town hall, be sure to check in at the front table with the assistant town clerk to receive your voter card. The warrant for the meeting can be … Continued

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