The 2022 Town Caucus was held on Monday, April 11th in the town hall. 29 residents participated and we had a quorum by 7:05pm (thank you!). The following Goshen voters were nominated and accepted their nominations by signing the Caucus Certificate of Nomination within 72 hours of the Caucus. These names and positions will appear on the … Continued
The 2022 Town Caucus will be held on Monday, April 11th at 7pm in the town hall. All registered voters are invited to participate. Any town resident may be nominated for any of the positions below. Voters will be asked to wear a mask. The caucus warrant can be found here: Caucus 4.11.22 Warrant. For more … Continued
Town Clerk Kristen Estelle reminds residents to return the 2022 Annual Street Listings that were mailed to each household in early January. If you haven’t received one, you can find printable blank copies on the Town Clerk webpage at or contact Kristen to receive another: Please fill out info for everyone who lives … Continued
Happy New Year! The 2022 Annual Street Listings have been mailed to each household in Goshen, and you should be receiving yours soon. If you haven’t received one, you can find printable blank copies on the Town Clerk webpage at or contact me to receive another: Please fill out info for everyone who … Continued
ATTENTION Livestock owners: RE: ID Ear tags for cattle, swine, sheep, or goats over 1 year old. Please contact Carry Shulock–Sexton: 617-626-1797, Mass. Dept. of Agricultural Resources. Poultry owners: Free salmonella + avian influenza testing. Contact the Mass. Division of Animal Health: 617-626-1795. Thank you for your cooperation; Nick Cockoros Town of Goshen … Continued
Town Clerk Kristen Estelle reminds residents that the late fee for dog licenses goes into effect June 1st, 2021. The late fee is $25 per dog on top of the license fee. To obtain a 2021 dog license, please mail the following: a completed dog license form (found here: Dog-License-Form-2020.pdf ( current rabies certificate indicating … Continued
Here are the annual town election results from today: ATE 5.1.2021 Results. We had 8% voter turnout. I’d like to thank our dedicated election workers: Evelyn Kellogg-Culver, Warden Kit Rock, Clerk Nicholas Cockoros, Constable Henrietta Munroe Roxanne Cunningham Kathy Boisvert Roger Culver Melanie Dana Marya Zilberberg I also thank my assistant, Gina Papineau, for all … Continued
The annual town election will be held on Saturday, May 1st from 9am-1pm in the John James Memorial Hall, located at 42 Main Street. Here is a sample ballot: ATE 2021 Ballot Voters will be asked to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer before entering the town hall. Social distancing and other safety precautions will … Continued
The 2021 Town Caucus was held on Monday, March 15th at 7pm in the town hall. 16 residents participated (easily meeting the reduced quorum of three). The following Goshen voters were nominated and accepted their nominations by signing the Caucus Certificate of Nomination within 72 hours of the Caucus. These names and positions will appear on … Continued
The 2021 Town Caucus will be held on Monday, March 15th at 7pm in the town hall. All registered voters are invited to participate. Any town resident may be nominated for any of the positions below. Voters will be asked to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer before entering the town hall. Social distancing and … Continued