Category: Board of Health

Board of Health Establishes 50% Recycling Goal

The Board of Health has established a 50% recycling goal with the intent of increasing quantity and improving the quality of the materials being recycled at the transfer station.  In 2016, the Town of Goshen had a recycling rate of 31.3% Many residents are conscientious about recycling and believe that they are properly recycling. The Board of Health … Continued

Public Health Fish Consumption Advisory Issued by MA DPH

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) has issued a fish consumption advisory for Damon Pond in Goshen and Chesterfield. DPH is issuing a public health fish consumption advisory for Damon Pond based on elevated levels of mercury.   The mercury levels in the fish tested from Damon Pond were compared to the DPH guideline level … Continued

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