Category: Fiber Optic Network

Wi-Fi availability at Town Offices extended through June 30, 2021

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Westfield Gas & Electric have partnered with some hilltowns to temporarily offer a high speed internet connection at a central location in each participating town.  This connection will offer speeds of up to 200 MBPS for up to 15 concurrent connections.  In Goshen, that Wi-Fi  connection has been installed at … Continued

High Speed Internet – Network Construction Procurement RFP & Contract

Requests for Proposals for the construction of Goshen’s fiber optic network were released May 6. Competitive bids were received on May 22.  Bids were reviewed and analyzed by the project engineering team at Westfield Gas & Electric for any errors, omissions or questions and to verify they complied with the RFP documentation. After thorough review … Continued

High Speed Internet – Grant Awards Updates

State grant monies originally provided Goshen with $770,000 as partial funding for Goshen’s fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) town-owned network.  In addition, the town voted to borrow up to $1.4 million to cover the remaining costs of building the town’s FTTH network. “Make-ready” costs have far exceeded the estimates from the initial project cost assessment.  (“Make-ready” costs are … Continued

High Speed Internet – Utility Company Tree Trimming

Beginning in January 2020, and continuing for the next six months, National Grid and their subcontractors will be doing tree trimming around all of the utility company poles and wires in preparation for the build out of the fiber optic network that is to begin later this year. National Grid, or their subcontractors, will be … Continued

Fiber Optic Network – Pole Mapping Has Begun

As part of the preliminary work associated with the construction of Goshen’s fiber optic network, mapping of utility poles will commence on Monday, November 15, 2017.  This work is being carried out by Westfield Gas & Electric using a sub-contractor called Precision Valley Communications. Mapping will continue for the next several weeks including weekends.  In … Continued

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