Category: Town Clerk

Dog License reminder

Town Clerk Kristen Estelle reminds residents that 2020 dog licenses expire March 31st, and 2021 licenses need to be obtained.  A dog licensing form was mailed with the street listing, but can also be found here: Dog Licenses – Goshen, MA ( Neutered/ spayed dogs are $5 each; intact dogs are $10. Valid rabies certificates … Continued

2021 Street Listings & Dog Licenses

The 2021 annual street listings have been mailed to each household in Goshen. If you haven’t received one, you can find printable blank copies on the Town Clerk webpage at, or contact the clerk’s office to receive another: 413-268-8236 x107, Please fill out info for everyone who lives in your house, sign and … Continued

2020 Dog Licenses are in

2020 dog licenses are in! The 2019 dog licenses expire on March 31st, 2020. Neutered/ spayed dogs are $5 each; intact dogs are $10. A dog licensing form can be found on the Town Clerk page of this website, which you can use to register your dogs by mail or in the town clerk’s office … Continued

Town Caucus Update – Last Day to Register to Vote is 2/26

Town Clerk Kristen Estelle would like to remind residents that Tuesday, February 26th  is the last day to register to vote for the town caucus. The office will be open that day from 2pm-4pm and 7-8pm, as well as the usual Monday hours of 9am-3pm and 6pm-8pm. If there are any questions, Kristen can be reached … Continued

2019 Dog Licenses Now Available

2019 dog licenses are available in the Town Clerk’s office. All dogs aged 6 months and older must have a current rabies certificate and license. Licenses are $5 for neutered/spayed dogs and $10 for intact males and females. Residents may register their dogs during town clerk hours: Monday 9am-3pm and 6pm-8pm, or send a check, … Continued

2019 Dog License Form Now Available Electronically

Download, print and fill out this form to aid your dog licensing process.  You may either bring it in during office hours with the supplemental info (Rabies certificate, spayed/neutered certificate) and payment, or mail all of those items with a self-addressed stamped envelope to Town Clerk, 40 Main St. Goshen, MA 01032.  Licenses are not … Continued

Early Voting Dates Announced

Take advantage of Goshen’s early voting dates and times! On Saturday, October 27th from 9am- Noon, and Monday, October 29th from 9am-3pm and 6-8pm, registered voters may come to the John James Memorial Hall at 42 Main Street to cast their ballots for the state election. Unlike absentee voting, no application is needed!  However, if absentee voting … Continued

Voter Registration Deadline – October 17th

Town Clerk Kristen Estelle would like to remind residents that Wednesday, October 17th is the last day to register to vote for the state election. She will be in the office that day from 2pm-4pm and 7-8pm, as well as her usual Monday hours of 9am-3pm and 6pm-8pm.

Special Town Election Results – 10/02/2018

By a vote of 79 (yes) to 9 (no), the ballot measure to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to fund the repair of the Landfill cap, as ordered by Mass DEP has passed. This is the final vote needed to … Continued

Special Town Meeting – Monday, September 17, 2018

The Goshen Selectboard has scheduled a Special Town Meeting for Monday September 17th.  The meeting will be held in the Goshen Town Hall located at 42 Main Street and will begin at 7PM. The warrant consists of 8 articles which can be seen by clicking on the file below: STM Warrant 9.17.08(1)

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