Emergency Management


Larry Holmberg
Emergency Management Director; Emergency Response Coordinator; Flood Plain Administrator ---------------All 3 terms expire June 30, 2025

(413) 529-1700 (days)
(413) 296-4247 (nights & weekends)
(508) 304-2585 (cell)
P.O. Box 176
Chesterfield, MA 01012
As needed by appointment.

Emergency Management works with our public safety organizations (police, fire, and ambulance), and with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to ensure that Goshen can rapidly recover from disasters large and small.

Emergency management requires assessing and mitigating hazards, preparing for emergencies, responding to emergencies effectively, and building the capacity to recover.

The mission of the Goshen Emergency Planning Committee is to plan and coordinate public safety training, response, mitigation and recovery for all natural and manmade incidents and events.


֎ Goshen Emergency Planning Committee

Larry Holmberg (GEPC) Emergency Management Director serves as Chair - Term expires 6/30/2025
Fred Bezio (GEPC) Police Department designee - Term expires 6/30/2025
Kristine Bissell (GEPC) Select Board designee - Term expires 6/30/2025
Todd Dewkett (GEPC) Highway Department designee - Term expires 6/30/2025
Cameron Lacey (GEPC) Fire Department designee - Term expires 6/30/2025
VACANT (GEPC) Board of Health designee - Term expires 6/30/2025
VACANT (GEPC) New Hingham Elementary School designee - Term expires 6/30/2025
Michael Rock (GEPC) Highland Ambulance EMS designee - Term expires 6/30/2025

֎ Emergency Management Documents

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