2025 Local Elections
Goshen’s Annual Town Election will be held Saturday, June 7th, 2025.
The Annual Town Caucus, in which residents are nominated for the elected positions, will be held Monday, April 14th, 2025.
2024 State & Federal Elections
The Presidential Primary was held March 5, 2024. The results can be found on the Goshen Elections Result Page.
2024 Local Elections
Goshen’s Annual Town Election was held on June 1, 2024. The results can be found at the Goshen Elections Result Page.
2023 Local Elections
Goshen’s Annual Town Election was held on June 3, 2023. The results can be found at the Goshen Elections Result Page.
Polling Location
On Election Day, everyone votes at John James Memorial Hall, 42 Main St. Please enter on the parking lot side of the building, via the ramp entrance. Parking is available in the town hall lot as well as diagonally across the road in the town parking lot. Polling hours are 7:00 am – 8:00 pm for federal and state elections. Polling hours for town elections vary. Please check back for the most current info or contact the town clerk: 413-268-8236 x107, clerk@goshen-ma.us.
Are you registered to vote?
You can see if you are registered to vote by going to the Secretary of State’s website: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/VoterRegistrationSearch/MyVoterRegStatus.aspx
If you have not registered to vote, you may do so at the Town Clerk’s Office or online: Online Voter Registration System. You can only be a registered voter in one place and should register at the address you consider to be your primary residence.
The deadline to register to vote in any election is ten(10) days prior to the date of the election.
Voting by Mail
Massachusetts voters now have the option to vote early by mail in all elections, with no excuse required. To request your Vote by Mail ballot, submit a signed application to your local election office: Massachusetts Vote By Mail Application. Any mail-in ballot must be requested in writing at least 5 business days before Election Day. Apply as early as possible, especially if your ballot will need to be mailed out of town. The U.S. Postal Service recommends allowing up to 7 days for mail delivery. To ensure you receive your ballot with enough time to mail it back, you should apply 2-3 weeks before Election Day.
Voting in Person
You can still vote in person if you’ve applied to vote by mail. You can vote at an early voting location (if applicable) or your polling place on Election Day. You can’t vote in person if your ballot has been accepted by your local election office. You can’t take your ballot back or vote again.
Absentee Ballot Requests
- Be away from your city/town on Election Day; or
- Have a disability that keeps you from voting at your polling place; or
- Have a religious belief that prevents you from voting at your polling place on Election Day
- You are a U.S. citizen residing overseas; or
- You are on active military duty; or
- You are currently incarcerated for a reason other than a felony conviction; or
- You are requesting an emergency absentee ballot due to hospitalization.
Emergency Absentee Ballots
If you have been admitted to a healthcare facility within 1 week of the election, you may use the absentee ballot application to designate someone of your choice to deliver a ballot to you. The person you designate to deliver your ballot will need to bring the signed application to your local election office, pick up your absentee ballot, bring it to you, and return it for you by the close of polls on Election Day. Emergency ballots may be requested up until the close of polls.
Military & Overseas Voters
What Does “U” or “Unenrolled” Mean?
When registering to vote, you have the option of choosing “unenrolled” under party enrollment or designation. This is commonly referred to as “independent” and means you are not enrolled in a party but are a registered voter. You will still be allowed to vote in a party primary if you are listed as unenrolled and will just have to notify the poll worker of which party’s ballot you would like to use. You will not need to change back to “unenrolled” after choosing a party ballot at a primary. Unenrolled does not mean that you are not registered to vote.
Have You Moved?
You must update your voter registration every time you move, even within the same town. If you have moved, you can update your registration by visiting Online Voter Registration System.
For more information, you can also visit the Massachusetts Elections Division website https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/elections/elections-and-voting.htm.
If you have questions about elections or voter eligibility, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office: 413-268-8236 x107, clerk@goshen-ma.us.