Fee Schedule*
Cash or Check made out to the Town of Goshen
Birth Certificate $5.00
Death Certificate $5.00
Marriage License $5.00
Marriage Intention $20.00
Dog Licenses:
- Spayed/ Neutered $5.00
- Intact $10.00
- Kennel (4 or less) $15.00
- Kennel (5-10 dogs) $30.00
- Kennel (10+) $60.00
Business Certificate $20.00
Voter List $16.00
Street Listing $10.00
Raffle or Bazaar Permit $10.00
Mailing Labels $10.00
Zoning Bylaws $5.00
Copies per page $ .20
Note: The above prices do not include postage.
*Fees subject to change.