Mosquito & Tick-Borne Diseases & Bite Prevention

Mosquitoes can spread diseases that make you sick. In Massachusetts, mosquitoes can give you eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus and West Nile virus (WNV).
Review this pamphlet on Preventing Mosquito Bites – MA DPH about mosquito born diseases and how best to control & prevent bites for both humans and animals.
For additional information on EEE and WNV go to Mosquitoes & Ticks information from MA DPH. This page also has links to the information on the below listed topics:
- Learn about mosquito-borne disease prevention
- West Nile Virus (WNV) and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EE) activity and risk maps
- Mosquito-borne disease information for health care providers and veterinarians
- Learn about tick-borne disease prevention
- Tick-born disease information for health care providers and veterinarians
- Monthly tick-borne disease reports
The Goshen Select Board, in conjunction with advice provided by the Board of Health & the Health Agent, has opted out of the state wide mosquito control spraying programs due to the toxic chemicals used and ineffective nature of the program.
For additional information contact the Board of Health & Health Agent.