Town News & Announcements



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This fire engine is a retired Westover Air Force Base Fire Truck.  It has served the Town of Goshen as a second due engine since 2014.

It has recently been replaced with a new engine and taken out of service.  The Truck has been tested and passed certification in July 2024. The truck is advertised for sale in “as is” condition.

Fire Engine for Sale


  • Cummins C8
  • Allisons Transmission
  • Mileage- Est 6900
  • Engine Hours- 3977
  • Pump Hours- 795
  • 1250 PSI pump
  • 750 Water tank
  • 50-gallon foam
  • 5-person cab

For questions, or to place an offer, please contact Chief Lacey at 413-268-7161 or email

Stanley Tree, working for National Grid, will be in town next week removing trees on East Street and South Chesterfield Road.

Due to the complexity and size of the trees to be removed, Stanley is bringing a crane which will cause some road closures during the week.

Tuesday, March 25th, from 8:00AM to 4:00PM

East Street will have intermittent road closures.  Most of the time, the road will be passable but there will be times when the road is closed in some locations.

Wednesday, March 26th, Thursday, March 27th, from 8:00AM to 4:00PM
and Friday, March 28th, from approx. 8:00AM to 12:00PM

South Chesterfield will be closed from the South Main intersection to Pond Hill to through traffic.  Local traffic / residents will be able to utilize the road during this time.

Friday, March 28th, From approx. Noon to 4:00PM

South Chesterfield will be closed from the Cherry Road to Dresser Hill Road.

Officers will be on scene each day to help provide guidance to drivers seeking alternative routes.

If you have questions please contact Police Chief Fred Bezio at (413) 268 3210, or via email to

The April COA newsletter for Goshen can be found here: Goshen_Newsletter_2025-04.pdf

Additionally, the archive of all Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters from January 2018 to the present can be found by going to the Goshen Council on Aging Web Page and clicking on the link for Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters.

Town Caucus

The 2025 Town Caucus will be held on Monday, April 14th at 7pm in the town hall. All registered voters are invited to participate. Please consider joining us so we make our quorum of 25 voters. Once a quorum is met, the meeting is generally over in less than 15 minutes.

Here is a list of the positions up for nomination and the individuals who currently occupy the seats: 2025 Town Caucus Call   The individuals with a “NO” next to their name want to step down; the others have expressed an interest in continuing.  Here is a document that briefly describes the positions up for election this year: 2025 Elected Positions descriptions

The Annual Town Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 17th, 2025.

The Annual Town Election will be held on Saturday, June 7th, 2025.

Please contact Town Clerk Kristen Estelle with any questions:, 413-268-8236 x107.

The Town of Goshen, MA is accepting applications for the position of Highway Equipment Operator/Laborer.  This individual performs skilled and semi-skilled work operating heavy and light equipment used for construction, maintenance and repair of streets, bridges, culverts, catch basins, and storm drains, as well as snow and ice removal in the winter.

Full-time forty (40) hour per week benefited position, with overtime possible during the winter.  Typically four days of a 9 hour shift with a 5th day consisting of 4 hours.  Hourly compensation $20 to $23 commensurate with experience.  The successful full-time applicant will have a Class B CDL license, Medical DOT Card, and 2A Hoisters License.  Pre-employment drug test required.   Minimum three (3) years road construction experience is preferred.

Posting will be active for 14 days until March 28, 2025.  AA/EEOE

Please email a cover letter, resume, and town application to:

To view, print, or download a fillable application go to:  Town of Goshen Employment Application


The Chesterfield Fire Department will be hosting a Rabies Clinic on April 5, 2025 from 10am-12pm at 5 North Road in Chesterfield. See the flyer below for more details.

rabies clinic

The March COA newsletter for Goshen can be found here: Goshen COA NL March 2025

Additionally, the archive of all Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters from January 2018 to the present can be found by going to the Goshen Council on Aging Web Page and clicking on the link for Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters.

Just a friendly reminder to please return the 2025 Annual Street Listings that were mailed to each household in early January. If you haven’t received one, you can find printable blank copies on the Town Clerk webpage at or contact me to receive another: Please fill out info for everyone who lives in your house, sign and return to 40 Main St. Goshen, MA 01032. Responding to the street listing will keep you on the active voting list if you are registered to vote.

Also, please register your dog(s) before licenses expire March 31st. Neutered/ spayed dogs cost $5 each to register; intact dogs are $10. Dog licensing forms were mailed with the street listings and can also be found here:

To register your dog(s), you can:

  1. Stop by during office hours (Monday 8-2 & 6-8) and bring cash or check, valid rabies certificate, and spaying/neutering certificate, or
  2. Mail the dog license form, fee(s) and certificate(s) along with a stamped self-addressed envelope for the return of the license(s) and tag(s) to: Goshen Town Clerk, 40 Main Street, Goshen, MA 01032.
  3. Drop the paperwork off in the town clerk drop box, located to the left of the door to the town offices.

Please contact Town Clerk Kristen Estelle with any questions or concerns:, 413-268-8236 x107.

The February COA newsletter for Goshen can be found here: Goshen_Newsletter_2025-02.pdf

Additionally, the archive of all Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters from January 2018 to the present can be found by going to the Goshen Council on Aging Web Page and clicking on the link for Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters.

Open Burning season is from January 15, 2025 – May 1, 2025.

Go to the Open Burning Permits page to learn all the town & state requirements, safety information and to apply for your required permit.

Just a reminder that the town has a bylaw against depositing snow on town roads that carries a fine.  The bylaw is below for your reference.  Go to the Police Department page on this website if you need to report this activity.

by-law against depositing snow on town roads


The January COA newsletter for Goshen can be found here: Goshen_Newsletter_2025-01.pdf

Additionally,  the archive of all Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters from January 2018 to the present can be found by going to the Goshen Council on Aging Web Page and clicking on the link for Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters.


Happy New Year!

The 2025 Annual Street Listings have been mailed to each household in Goshen, and you should be receiving yours soon. If you don’t receive one, blank copies are available here: Annual-Street-Listing-form. Please fill out information for everyone who lives in your house, sign and return to 40 Main St. Goshen, MA 01032. It is important that we keep an accurate count of residents as it determines state and federal funding for our town. Responding to the street listing will also keep you on the active voting list if you are registered to vote.

There has been a delay in receiving our dog licenses for this year. I expect to have them in hand by January 13th. A dog licensing form was mailed with the street listing. You can also find it here: Dog-License-Form 2025 Neutered/ spayed dogs cost $5 each to register; intact dogs are $10 (cash or check made out to the Town of Goshen). Last year’s licenses expire on March 31st, 2025.

To register your dog(s), you can:

  1. Stop by during office hours (Monday 8am-2pm & 6-8pm) and bring cash or check, valid rabies certificate, and spaying/neutering certificate.
  2. Mail the dog license form, fee(s) and certificate(s) along with a stamped self-addressed envelope for the return of the license(s) and tag(s) to: Goshen Town Clerk, 40 Main Street, Goshen, MA 01032.
  3. Drop the paperwork off in the town clerk drop box, located to the left of the door to the town offices.

Please mark the following town events on your calendar:

Monday, April 14th:          Town Caucus

Saturday, May 17th:         Annual Town Meeting

Saturday, June 7th:            Annual Town Election

Here is the town information sheet that was included in the street listing mailing: 2025 Town Info One change that is not reflected on that sheet is that the Tax Collector’s office has new hours this year. Beginning January 9th, in person payments can be made on Thursdays from 12-2pm. There will be additional evening in person hours on Wednesdays the week before and the week after a bill’s due date.

Please contact Town Clerk Kristen Estelle with any questions or concerns:, 413-268-8236 x107.

The Collector’s office will be adjusting hours this year. In person payments can be made on Thursdays from 12-2pm beginning January 9th. We will have additional evening in person hours on Wednesdays the week before and the week after a bill’s due date.  If you have any questions, you can email, or call or text 413-474-2692.

Town Administrator
Town of Goshen, MA

The Town of Goshen seeks a Town Administrator with strong communication and collaborative skills to oversee and manage day to day operations for our Town.  Goshen is a small rural community (pop. 968) in the Northern Hilltowns of the Connecticut River Valley region.  Led by a three-member Select Board, and Open Town Meeting form of government, the Town relies on the Town Administrator to be responsible for the oversight and management of daily operations of the Town.

Responsibilities include scheduling, developing and implementing town projects, assisting with the preparation of budgets, coordinating with various town boards and committees, supervising and coordinating overall operations of Town government and managing day-to-day affairs under the general direction of the Select Board.  The Town Administrator will support the Select Board, ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, interface with government agencies and the public and manage municipal operations for the Town.  Attendance at certain evening meetings is required.

Candidates should have knowledge and competence in municipal finance and budgeting, project management, human resource/personnel administration, Massachusetts municipal law, and intergovernmental and community relations.

The successful candidate should possess five (5) years of progressive municipal management and leadership experience, or similar responsibilities in a public or government agency.  A master’s degree in public administration or a related field is preferred.  An equivalent combination of education, training and experience which demonstrates possession of the required knowledge, skills and abilities may also be considered.

This is a full-time position with benefits.

Starting salary range of $65,000 – $73,000 commensurate with qualifications and experience.  Submit resume and cover letter as a pdf attachment to   Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

The Town of Goshen is an equal opportunity employer.


Residents, businesses, and surrounding community members are invited to provide input on the Town of Goshen Hazard Mitigation Plan and Unpaved Roads Project at a public listening session on December 10, 2024, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Goshen Town Hall, located at 42 Main Street, Goshen.  Dinner will be provided. Attendees will learn about what the Town is doing to prepare for natural hazards and the impacts of climate change, including improving the resiliency of dirt roads.  They will have an opportunity to provide feedback on their experiences with hazards in Goshen, and in particular where there are unpaved road issues.  Municipal officials and staff from the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) will be available to answer questions and respond to input about these projects.   The purpose of the Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) is to assess Goshen’s risks from natural hazards and climate change impacts, and to provide an action plan to reduce the Town’s vulnerabilities.  The Hazard Mitigation Plan is being completed by the Town with assistance from the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) and is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  Upon completion, the plan will be submitted to the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and FEMA for review and approval.   A FEMA‐approved HMP makes the community eligible for federal and state mitigation grant funding.

The Western Massachusetts Unpaved Roads Project is a collaborative effort between the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC), the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC), and the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) as well as the Towns of Lanesborough, Goshen, Blandford, and Shutesbury.  With climate change, municipalities are experiencing more unpaved road failures due to the increased intensity of precipitation events.  This project will further develop FRCOG’s new Dirt Road Toolkit which allows municipal staff to assess their vulnerable unpaved roads, determine which best practices are recommended to increase their climate resiliency and how to install these best practices using existing resources.  The Toolkit will be field tested in the partnering municipalities.

This project is funded by the Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs, Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program.

For more information about this event, please contact PVPC’s Mimi Kaplan at or (413) 781‐6045.

Go to the Goshen DRAFT Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2024 to view, download or print the full report.


With last week’s rain, increased humidity and cooler temperatures the Goshen Fire Department is lifting the burn ban for warming and cooking fires.

Thank you to all residents for being careful these last couple of weeks.  Please continue to use good judgment.

Remember that opening burning is only permitted from January 15th through May 1st and is not permitted at this time.  For further information go to Open Burning Permits Page.

Here is the Notice of Filing and Public Hearings issued by the Department of Public Utilities in the above-captioned proceeding: DPU 24-144 Grid gas Notice

Here is the Notice of Filing and Public Hearings issued by the Department of Public Utilities in the above-captioned proceeding: DPU 24-148 Grid electric Notice

In accordance with chapter 92 of the Acts of 2022, known as the VOTES Act, please be advised that the Town of Goshen will perform a post-election tabulation session for November 5, 2024 State Election ballots returned by mail and received on or before 5PM on November 8, 2024, if also postmarked by November 5, 2024.

This session will take place in the John James Memorial Hall, 42 Main Street, beginning on Monday, November 11, 2024 at 9:30 AM and will be open to the public.

This notice has also been posted on the official town bulletin board.

Please contact Town Clerk Kristen Estelle with any questions:, 413-268-8236 x107.

The unofficial State Election results from today can be found here: Goshen State Election 11.5.24 Unofficial Results   We had 83% voter turnout! Great job, Goshen.

Thank you, election workers, for doing such a thorough, excellent job. This was a long, busy day, but we got through it together!

Evelyn Kellogg-Culver, Warden

Shannon Wade, Warden

Kerry Normandin

Kit Rock

Charlie Amo

Nick Cockoros

Henrietta Munroe

Marya Zilberberg

Roxanne Cunningham

Paula Pedersen

Rosemary Bienz

Jenny Bisbee

Corey Carvalho

Roger Culver

Melanie Dana

Melanie Kourbage

Barbara LeBeau

Jim Lyons

Tammy Lyons

Pamela Skinner

Andrew Watts

Nancy Wood

Thank you, Gina Papineau, for the many hours you spent helping me run early voting and for working this soon to be 18-hour workday with me! This was our third Presidential election together, and I’m proud to have worked alongside you for 10 years and counting.

Thank you, Ron & Joanie Loven, for setting up, taking down and cleaning the polling place for the four days of early voting as well as today’s big day. Our Town Hall looks great because of you.

Thank you, Chief Bezio, for working with our Constables, being available all day and evening, and helping achieve our joint goal of an incident-free election! Your presence was reassuring to all of us working today.

Are you interested in becoming an Election Worker? We could always use more hands on deck. This is a terrific group of people and a good way to get involved with the Town. You can reach me at or 413-268-236 x107.

The Town of Goshen has received a grant through the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) for a comprehensive zoning bylaw review and analysis.  The Planning Board is currently working with the PVPC and the Select Board on this review project.  The current draft of the zoning bylaw review and analysis can be found on the Planning Board Page Documents Section

The Goshen Police Department is now accepting applications for Part-Time Police Officers.  Applicants must have passed a Massachusetts Police Training Commission (M.P.T.C.) approved Police Academy (includes bridge) and be Massachusetts POST Certified.  Minimum Qualifications include the ability to work in the US, be at least 21 years of age, have a valid MA driver’s license and high school diploma, and have or be able to obtain a MA License to Carry (LTC).

The Town of Goshen is a small town of approximately 980 residents in the hilltowns of Hampshire County.  The town encompasses several lakes including both the Upper and Lower Highland Lakes and Hammond Lake.  Upper Highland Lake is part of the D.A.R. recreational area.  Goshen is a tight-knit town where officers are expected to be a part of the community with focusing on Community Policing is a must.

The current salary range is $22.00 to $25.50 per hour.
The appointment of the final candidates will be made by the Select Board based on recommendations of the Police Chief.

Applicants must submit a resume and cover letter expressing their interest.
To view, print, or download a fillable application go to:  Town of Goshen Employment Application
Interested parties should email application paperwork to:   SelectBoard@Goshen‐

The Town of Goshen is an equal opportunity employer (AA/EEO).

Posting will be active until position is filled.



The Town of Goshen is seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Assistant to the Treasurer and Collector.  This position may be split into two separate positions.

This hourly part‐time position is appointed by the Select Board and will require an average of 7 hours per week.  Hourly rate is between $18 ‐ $23 per hour commensurate with experience.

Essential Job Functions:

Complete weekly activities as determined by the Treasurer and the Collector in support of collection of taxes and revenue, reconciliation of accounts, and preparation of computer spreadsheets and reports.


  • Proven track record in ability to record and reconcile financial transactions and to complete work accurately and timely, respecting
  • Working knowledge of the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws relating to municipal taxation
  • Ability to assist taxpayers in understanding tax bills
  • Prior experience in tax collection, financial management, accounting or a combination of experience combined with a degree in accounting, finance or business
  • Experience in financial and municipal software applications and
  • Ability to be bonded

Applicants must submit a resume and cover letter expressing their interest.
To view, print, or download a fillable application go to:  Town of Goshen Employment Application
Interested parties should email application paperwork to:   SelectBoard@Goshen‐

The Town of Goshen is an equal opportunity employer (AA/EEO).

Posting will be active until position is filled.




The November COA newsletter for Goshen can be found here: Goshen Newsletter 2024-11.pdf

Additionally,  the archive of all Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters from January 2018 to the present can be found by going to the Goshen Council on Aging Web Page and clicking on the link for Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters.

It’s been a busy fall preparing for the State Election on November 5th. 210 ballots have been mailed to the Goshen voters who have requested them- 26% of our voter list! Below is important information regarding this election.

The last day to register to vote in the State Election is Saturday, October 26th. There will be in person voter registration available in the Town Clerk’s Office, 40 Main Street, that day from 9am-11am and 3-5pm. You can also register to vote at:

The specimen ballot can be viewed here: State Election Ballot Sample

Here are the three options for casting your vote:

  1. Vote in person, on election day, Tuesday, November 5th from 7am-8pm in the John James Memorial Hall.
  2. Vote early in person, in the John James Memorial Hall, during any of these times:
  • Saturday, October 19th   9am-1pm
  • Monday, October 21st     9am-1pm
  • Saturday, October 26th   9am-1pm
  • Monday, October 28th    9am-1pm

3. Vote by mail. Every registered voter should have received a prepaid post card from the Secretary of the State’s office, asking if you’d like to vote by mail. If you’d prefer to vote in person, just discard the post card. No action needed. If you do want to vote by mail, I must receive your application by Tuesday, October 29th at 5pm in order to have your ballot mailed to you.

If you didn’t receive the vote by mail post card, you can apply via the State’s online portal. Vote by Mail ballots that are returned in person or via the drop box must be received by the Town Clerk’s Office by close of the polls on election day in order to be counted.  If the ballot is returned by domestic mail, it can be received up until 5pm on November 8th 2024 (must be postmarked by Election Day).

We had 85% voter turnout for the 2020 Election… let’s try to beat that! I love Goshen’s patriotism.

Please contact Town Clerk Kristen Estelle with any questions or concerns:, 413-268-8236 x107.

The October COA newsletter for Goshen can be found here:  Goshen_Newsletter_2024-10.pdf (

Additionally,  the archive of all Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters from January 2018 to the present can be found by going to the Goshen Council on Aging Web Page and clicking on the link for Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters.


It has come to our attention that excise bills with an original due date 7/29/24 were never mailed.  We have reversed the demand and will be sending out the original bills shortly.  The demand notices dated 9/6/24 with a due date of 9/23/24 can be disregarded.  Anyone who paid interest and fees related to this will receive a refund in the near future.

The unofficial State Primary results from today can be viewed here: 9.3.24 State Primary Unofficial Results. We had 22% voter turnout.

I’d like to thank our dedicated election workers:
Evelyn Kellogg-Culver, Warden
Shannon Wade, Warden
Kerry Normandin
Kit Rock
Charlie Amo
Nick Cockoros
Henrietta Munroe
Marya Zilberberg
Roxanne Cunningham
Paula Pedersen
Jenny Bisbee
Corey Carvalho
Roger Culver
Melanie Kourbage
Barbara LeBeau
Jim Lyons
Tammy Lyons
Nancy Wood

I also thank my assistant, Gina Papineau, and custodian Ron Loven and his wife, Joanie, for setting up and taking down the election booths, tables, etc.

Are you interested in becoming an Election Worker? We need Counters for the November Election!
Please contact Town Clerk Kristen Estelle if you would like to help: or 413-268-8236 x107.

The September COA newsletter for Goshen can be found here: Goshen COA Newsletters – Northern Hilltowns Councils on Aging (

Additionally,  the archive of all Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters from January 2018 to the present can be found by going to the Goshen Council on Aging Web Page and clicking on the link for Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters.


We are busy here in the Town Clerk’s office preparing for the State Primary on Sept. 3rd and the State Election on Nov. 5th. 

The last day to register to vote for the State Primary is Saturday, August 24th, 2024. There will be in person voter registration available in the Town Clerk’s Office, 40 Main Street, that day from 9am-11am and 3-5pm. You can also register to vote at:

Specimen ballots can be viewed here: Democratic: State Election Ballot Sample, Republican: State Election Ballot Sample, Libertarian: State Election Ballot Sample

Here are the three options for casting your vote for the Primary:

  1. Vote in person, on election day, Sept. 3rd from 7am-8pm in the John James Memorial Hall.
  2. Vote early in person, on Saturday August 24th from 9am-1pm or Monday, August 26th from 9am-1pm in the John James Memorial Hall.
  3. Vote by mail. Every registered voter should have received a prepaid post card from the Secretary of the State’s office, asking if you’d like to vote by mail. If you’d prefer to vote in person, just discard the post card. No action needed. If you do want to vote by mail, I must receive your application by Monday, August 26th at 5pm in order to have your ballot mailed to you.

If you didn’t receive the vote by mail post card, you can apply via the State’s online portal.

Vote by Mail ballots must be returned to the Town Clerk’s Office by close of the polls on election day in order to be counted. Ballots that arrive after that time – even if they are postmarked on or before Election Day – will not be counted.

Please contact Town Clerk Kristen Estelle with any questions or concerns:, 413-268-8236 x107.

Assistant Town Administrator, Part Time
Town of Goshen, MA

Do you like project work as well as having your own responsibilities?  Are you good with numbers and spreadsheets?  Can you work collaboratively, as well as independently?  If you also enjoy variety as well as some recurring responsibilities, and learning new things, this job is for you.  If you love to organize, have excellent attention to detail, and collaborate with others you may be a great fit for this position.  Please apply.

The Town of Goshen is seeking an organized individual with strong computer and administrative skills to serve as a part-time Assistant Town Administrator for Goshen.
This is a key role in a small municipal office.  The position supports both day-to-day activities and special projects related to key priorities in support of the Town’s day-to-day operations.  The position reports to the Town Administrator and will work between 18 -24 hours per week.
This position is in person at the Goshen Town Offices.  Potential for flexible schedule, but not remote.

Responsibilities include:

  • Supporting the Town Administrator in day-to-day responsibilities, emails, issues and projects as they arise
  • Establishing a system of organizing & maintaining the Select Board’s electronic and paper files
  • Culling current files for shredding, record retention, and storage, per state laws
  • Processing bi-weekly invoices, and coordinating with the accountant to clarify concerns
  • Reviewing financial reports, analyzing budget versus actual expenditures and communicating with other departments and boards regarding same
  • Updating and creating spreadsheets and documents to aid in tracking and analyzing of expenditures, project status and various town processes
  • Maintaining the Town’s Internal Municipal Calendar
  • Composing instructions for office procedures (SOPs)

 The ideal candidate will have:

  • Excellent organizational, administrative and project management skills
  • The ability to exercise sound judgment
  • Strong computer skills including solid experience with the full Microsoft Office Suite
  • The ability to work independently and pivot as priorities change
  • Good research, critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Prior experience with municipal financial software and reporting
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Strong verbal and written communications skills
  • The ability to work cooperatively and under deadlines in a small office environment
  • A commitment to keeping information confidential

Hourly wage commensurate with experience and budget appropriation.
Pay: $24.00-27.00 per hour

Please send a resume and cover letter to addressing the following three questions.

  1. Please list those skills you feel qualify you for this position.
  2. Please list 3 adjectives that best describe your working style.
  3. Describe how your experience could aid you in being successful in this role.

 Posting will be active until position is filled.  AA/EEOE


The Select Board will meet on Monday, July 29, at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall to review costs and planning details with the Open Space Committee for the Re-imagine Goshen Project.

This project concerns plans for improvements in the Town center in the former tennis court area and Memorial Park.

The Open Space Committee will provide an update on project budget and scope.  There will be an opportunity for residents to ask questions or provide feedback.

All are welcome.

For additional information on this project click on Re-Imagine Goshen Project Center Page.  Or, go to the Open Space Committee page and click on the menu page for this project.



Here is the Notice of Public Hearing and Request for Comments issued by the Department of Public Utilities in the above-captioned proceeding: D.P.U. 24-98 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND REQUEST FOR COMMENTS

The permalink above goes directly to the sub menu Transfer Station page under the Board of Health page.





The permalink above goes directly to the sub menu fireworks page under the Police Department page.



See below for the latest updates or go to the Town Collector’s Web Page for complete information.

The Collector’s office has recently completed a software upgrade as of June 20, 2024.  While we strive to make sure our data is accurate please contact us if you notice any errors at either the email address or phone number to the left of this message.

Online Payments

Online bill payments for Q1 of FY25 Real Estate and FY25 Personal Property will be available on or about July 1.  Online payments for FY24 Excise Taxes should be available on June 24, 2024.  For Real Estate and Personal Property prior to FY25 and Excise taxes prior to FY24, online payments aren’t available.  Please contact our office for payment amounts.

Online balances are not directly linked to our database.  Updating your online account is a manual process and is only done quarterly. If you make an online payment and the funds have been deducted from your account, your account is considered paid.

To make an online bill payment click on Goshen Online Tax Payments.

Change of Address

Please email BOTH the and the with your new mailing address.

The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency has a web page with Extreme Heat Safety Tips that provides information on the following:

  • Introduction

  • Watches and Warnings

  • How to prepare for Extreme Heat

  • What to do During Extreme Heat

  • Types of Heat-related Illnesses

The  day-use area beach will be open after we conduct our first water quality test on May 20, 2024 and get the results back on the May 22, 2024. The beach will be unguarded until June 15, 2024 when our lifeguards come on duty and roping is in place.  The official swimming season typically ends around Labor Day weekend.

Note that the beaches at DAR State Forest are NOT monitored or maintained by the Town of Goshen.  These are owned, operated and monitored through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).

Water quality at both the Upper Highland Lake Campers and Upper Highland Lake Day Use beaches are monitored and tested by Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH).  The Interactive Beach Water Quality Dashboard is updated at 9:30am and 12:30pm every day (including weekends) during the swimming season.  if the water is considered unsafe, notices will be posted at the two beaches by state officials.  You may also call the DAR Headquarters at (413) 268 7098, or, email the headquarters at

Massachusetts has a web page with FAQs on Beach Water Quality & Testing that provides information on the following:

  • Why are beaches tested?
  • What are indicator organisms?
  • Are all beaches in Massachusetts monitored?
  • How do bacteria get in beach water?
  • What are the risks associated with bacteria in beach water?
  • How is beach water tested?
  • How often is beach water tested?
  • Why do beaches close?
  • When will the beach re-open?
  • How do I know if it is safe to swim?
  • Can I still go to the beach if it is posted closed to swimming?
  • If I accidentally swam at a closed beach, and now feel sick, what should I do?
  • How can I keep beaches clean?

If you wish to see historical data on contamination at particular beaches go to the Water quality at Massachusetts swimming beaches web page and you can view data from 2010 to the year before the current swimming season.  Note that Goshen beaches are on the Freshwater beach report.

For more information about the DAR State Forest go to their website at DAR State Forest website.  The website will have information on the following areas:

  • Download a trail map
  • Reserve a campsite:  First night of camping at the DAR is May 16, 2024 this year.  All campers must have a reservation to camp.  Reservations can be made through the Reserve America web site or by calling 1-877-422-6762.
  • Self-guided opportunities
  • DCR Trip Tip family self-guided adventures
  • Hours
  • Parking and fees:  Daily parking fees begin on Saturday May 25, 2024 and remain in place through the Monday of Labor Day weekend.
  • Activities
  • Facilities
  • Accessibility
  • Restrictions
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