Actual tax bills are normally mailed by the Tax Collector’s office at end of December. Property valuations are printed on the bill. If a property owner does not agree with the valuation of their property, the resolution process begins with an abatement application. The time period for applying for a real and personal property abatement typically runs from the date the actual tax bills are mailed through the due date of the bill or February 1st. Information regarding the abatement applications can be found on the reverse side of the property tax bill.
Once abatement applications are received, the Assistant Assessor completes an initial review of all abatement applications and gathers related information to provide to the Board of Assessors. The Board review and make a determination of abatement applications at their regularly scheduled board meetings. Typically applications are reviewed in received date order and the Board reviews as many applications as they can during their routine meetings. If, by any chance, a determination on an abatement application is not made within three months of the received date, it is deemed denied (as provided in Massachusetts General Law Chapter 59 Section 64).