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The Chesterfield Fire Department will be hosting a Rabies Clinic on April 5, 2025 from 10am-12pm at 5 North Road in Chesterfield. See the flyer below for more details.

The March COA newsletter for Goshen can be found here: Goshen COA NL March 2025 Additionally, the archive of all Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters from January 2018 to the present can be found by going to the Goshen Council on Aging Web Page and clicking on the link for Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters.

Just a friendly reminder to please return the 2025 Annual Street Listings that were mailed to each household in early January. If you haven’t received one, you can find printable blank copies on the Town Clerk webpage at or contact me to receive another: Please fill out info for everyone who lives in your house, sign and return...

The February COA newsletter for Goshen can be found here: Goshen_Newsletter_2025-02.pdf Additionally, the archive of all Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters from January 2018 to the present can be found by going to the Goshen Council on Aging Web Page and clicking on the link for Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters.

Open Burning season is from January 15, 2025 - May 1, 2025. Go to the Open Burning Permits page to learn all the town & state requirements, safety information and to apply for your required permit.

Just a reminder that the town has a bylaw against depositing snow on town roads that carries a fine.  The bylaw is below for your reference.  Go to the Police Department page on this website if you need to report this activity.  

The January COA newsletter for Goshen can be found here: Goshen_Newsletter_2025-01.pdf Additionally,  the archive of all Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters from January 2018 to the present can be found by going to the Goshen Council on Aging Web Page and clicking on the link for Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters.  

Happy New Year! The 2025 Annual Street Listings have been mailed to each household in Goshen, and you should be receiving yours soon. If you don’t receive one, blank copies are available here: Annual-Street-Listing-form. Please fill out information for everyone who lives in your house, sign and return to 40 Main St. Goshen, MA 01032....

The Collector's office will be adjusting hours this year. In person payments can be made on Thursdays from 12-2pm beginning January 9th. We will have additional evening in person hours on Wednesdays the week before and the week after a bill's due date.  If you have any questions, you can email, or call or...

Town Administrator Town of Goshen, MA The Town of Goshen seeks a Town Administrator with strong communication and collaborative skills to oversee and manage day to day operations for our Town.  Goshen is a small rural community (pop. 968) in the Northern Hilltowns of the Connecticut River Valley region.  Led by a three-member Select Board,...

Residents, businesses, and surrounding community members are invited to provide input on the Town of Goshen Hazard Mitigation Plan and Unpaved Roads Project at a public listening session on December 10, 2024, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Goshen Town Hall, located at 42 Main Street, Goshen.  Dinner will be provided. Attendees will learn...

With last week’s rain, increased humidity and cooler temperatures the Goshen Fire Department is lifting the burn ban for warming and cooking fires. Thank you to all residents for being careful these last couple of weeks.  Please continue to use good judgment. Remember that opening burning is only permitted from January 15th through May 1st...

Here is the Notice of Filing and Public Hearings issued by the Department of Public Utilities in the above-captioned proceeding: DPU 24-144 Grid gas Notice

Here is the Notice of Filing and Public Hearings issued by the Department of Public Utilities in the above-captioned proceeding: DPU 24-148 Grid electric Notice

In accordance with chapter 92 of the Acts of 2022, known as the VOTES Act, please be advised that the Town of Goshen will perform a post-election tabulation session for November 5, 2024 State Election ballots returned by mail and received on or before 5PM on November 8, 2024, if also postmarked by November 5,...

The unofficial State Election results from today can be found here: Goshen State Election 11.5.24 Unofficial Results   We had 83% voter turnout! Great job, Goshen. Thank you, election workers, for doing such a thorough, excellent job. This was a long, busy day, but we got through it together! Evelyn Kellogg-Culver, Warden Shannon Wade, Warden Kerry...

The Town of Goshen has received a grant through the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) for a comprehensive zoning bylaw review and analysis.  The Planning Board is currently working with the PVPC and the Select Board on this review project.  The current draft of the zoning bylaw review and analysis can be found on the...

The Goshen Police Department is now accepting applications for Part-Time Police Officers.  Applicants must have passed a Massachusetts Police Training Commission (M.P.T.C.) approved Police Academy (includes bridge) and be Massachusetts POST Certified.  Minimum Qualifications include the ability to work in the US, be at least 21 years of age, have a valid MA driver's license...

The Town of Goshen is seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Assistant to the Treasurer and Collector.  This position may be split into two separate positions. This hourly part‐time position is appointed by the Select Board and will require an average of 7 hours per week.  Hourly rate is between $18 ‐ $23...

The November COA newsletter for Goshen can be found here: Goshen Newsletter 2024-11.pdf Additionally,  the archive of all Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters from January 2018 to the present can be found by going to the Goshen Council on Aging Web Page and clicking on the link for Goshen Council on Aging Newsletters.

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