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To make a donation by check or credit card go to the Re-Imagine Goshen project donation page, fill out the form and select add to cart. Alternatively, you may navigate to the Open Space Committee page and click on the Re-Imagine Goshen Center sub menu.  

QUILT RAFFLE DRAWING WINNER On December 11, 2023 a group of Goshen residents gathered in the town office for the quilt raffle drawing.  The full/queen size quilt with a log cabin pattern, was pieced and donated by Lorraine Brisson, and professionally quilted by Sue’s Quilt Studio, Chester, VT.  With much anticipation, the winning ticket was...

  Calendar of Events April 26, 2025:  Spaghetti Dinner & Raffle. Dinner served at 5:30 pm at the Goshen town hall, 42 Main Street Doors open at 4:30 pm.  Raffle drawing at 6:30 pm Suggested donations of $20 for pre-registration, $25 at the door To pre-register:  Mail check and include your email address (for confirmation)...

The Foothills Health District is a quasi-governmental, formal, tax-exempt organization formed in 1986, whose main objective is sharing of personnel resources.  Foothills has 2 full time health agents, a part time public health nurse and a part time office manager currently serving the four member town Boards of Health from Goshen, Westhampton, Williamsburg, and Whately....

Four free at home COVID-19 test kits are available per household from the U.S. government. Click on Free COVID Test Kits  for more information on how to get these mailed directly to your home. If you need a COVID-⁠19 test now, please see other testing resources for testing locations in your area. For a complete list...

Request for Proposals for MVP 2.0 Vendor Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Communities throughout Massachusetts are identifying climate vulnerabilities and investing in community resilience.  The Town of Goshen is seeking proposals from qualified individuals or firms to work with the community to manage and facilitate the MVP 2.0 process and to expand the bandwidth, skill sets and...

The Planning Board for the Town of Goshen will hold two public hearings regarding proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw on August 10, 2023 at the Goshen Town Hall, 42 Main Street, Goshen, MA. Beginning at 7 pm, a hearing on a proposal to add a Floodplain section, as required by FEMA (the Federal Emergency...

The Town of Goshen Board of Health and Select Board have agreed to the below updated COVID-19 policy. Masks are no longer required to be worn in Town facilities Anyone who wishes to wear a mask should be supported for that choice Masks should be available for anyone who chooses to wear one Reasonable COVID...

Massachusetts  - Information on the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Massachusetts Provides A FREE Telehealth Service For COVID 19 Treatment Massachusetts COVID-19 Testing information & locations Massachusetts COVID-19 Vaccine Information. Reopening Massachusetts Current Information Pages Massachusetts COVID-19 Travel Order and Restrictions Currently in Effect Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health - Overview of information on the...

The Open Space Committee has completed their work on the Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project Plan. You may view, download or print it at:  Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project Plan Or, you may go directly to the Open Space Committee page and find it in the documents section.  

Here is the Notice of Filing and Request for Comments issued by the Department of Public Utilities in the above-captioned proceeding: D.P.U. 23 54 Notice Of Public Hearing (6.23.23)

The results of the annual town election can be found here: Annual Town Election Results 6.3.2023. We had 10% voter turnout. I’d like to thank our dedicated election workers: Shannon Wade, Warden Kit Rock, Clerk Charlie Amo, Constable Henrietta Munroe Roxanne Cunningham Jenny Bisbee Roger Culver Evelyn Kellogg-Culver Kerry Normandin I also thank my assistant,...

Go to Annual Town Meeting Minutes 2023-05-20 to view, download or print this document.   You may also find it in the documents section of the Town Meeting Minutes subpage on the Town Clerk page.  

The Annual Town Election will be held on Saturday, June 3rd from 9am-1pm in the John James Memorial Hall, located at 42 Main Street. Here is a sample ballot: Goshen ATE 2023 SAMPLE Ballot We invite you to take a few minutes that day to participate in your local government! Our election workers devote a good...

Follow this link to view, print or download the Annual Town Report 2022 at the bottom of the Select Board page. Annual Town Reports for 2016-2022 are also in the documents section at the bottom of the Select Board Page.  

Town Clerk Kristen Estelle reminds residents that the late fee for dog licenses goes into effect June 1st, 2023. The late fee is $25 per dog on top of the license fee. To obtain a 2023 dog license, you can: Stop by during office hours (Monday 8:30-2:30 & 6-8) and bring cash or check, valid...

The Annual Town Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. in the John James Memorial Town Hall. Click here to view, download or print the Annual Town Meeting Warrant 2023-05-20.   You may also find the warrant on the Select Board page in the "Select Board Documents" section. Click on this...

View the 16th Annual Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle Guide to help you reduce your trash, reuse durable items, recycle everything you can, and rethink waste.  Information is valid through April 2024.

Open Burning season is from January 15, 2023 - May 1, 2023. Go to the Open Burning Permits page to learn all the town & state requirements, safety information and when and how to apply for your required permit.  

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