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Here are the annual town election results from today:  Annual Town Election Results 6.4.2022. We had 11% voter turnout. I’d like to thank our dedicated election workers: Shannon Wade, Warden Evelyn Kellogg-Culver, Clerk Charlie Amo, Constable Henrietta Munroe Roxanne Cunningham Jenny Bisbee Roger Culver Jim Lyons Tammy Lyons I also thank my assistant, Gina Papineau,...

The Highway Department completed site preparation work in early November 2020 for the placement of the Network Hut and the backup generator. The Hut will contain all of the electronic brains for controlling the fiber optic network and was delivered, together with the backup generator, on Monday, November 23, 2020. The propane tank for the...

The Annual Town Election will be held on Saturday, June 4th from 9am-1pm in the John James Memorial Hall, located at 42 Main Street. Here is a sample ballot: SAMPLE ATE 2022 Ballot While the Vote by Mail order has expired statewide, regular absentee voting is still available for any registered voter who is (1) away from their town on...

The Goshen Library Trustees are currently updating our Strategic Plan and we’d appreciate your input, whether you are a current library patron or not.  Having a current Strategic Plan will allow us to apply for grants to improve our library services to the town. To take the survey online go to:  Goshen Free Library Community...

Follow this link to view, print or download the Annual Town Report 2021 at the bottom of the Select Board page. Annual Town Reports for 2016-2021 are also in the documents section at the bottom of the Select Board Page.  

The Annual Town Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 21, at 9:30 a.m., under a tent behind the town offices.  Masks are encouraged but optional.  Masks will be available for those who wish to use them. Click here to view, download or print the Annual Town Meeting Warrant 2022-05-21.   You may also find the...

Town Clerk Kristen Estelle reminds residents that the late fee for dog licenses goes into effect June 1st, 2022. The late fee is $25 per dog on top of the license fee. To obtain a 2022 dog license, you can: Stop by during office hours (Monday 9-2:45 & 6-8) and bring cash or check, valid...

Go to the House Numbering Page, a sub page on the Fire Department page, to learn the town requirements and how to apply for your number.  

The Transfer Station Recycling Information sub page located on the Board of Health page has been extensively updated.  Please visit it to find new information and new ways to recycle, repurpose and reuse items. Transfer Station Recycling Information Page  

The 2022 Town Caucus was held on Monday, April 11th in the town hall.  29 residents participated and we had a quorum by 7:05pm (thank you!). The following Goshen voters were nominated and accepted their nominations by signing the Caucus Certificate of Nomination within 72 hours of the Caucus. These names and positions will appear on the...

Hilltown Land Trust is partnering with the Wild & Scenic Westfield River Committee to offer our annual Vernal Pool Plunge!  This two-day, in-person training event is open to anyone interested in learning about the ecology of and becoming advocates for vernal pools in Western Massachusetts, including how to certify vernal pools.  Click on the link below...

All 3G devices will lose cellular service in 2022 as service providers begin to turn off their 3G networks in the United States. Why is this happening? 3G network technology has been around in the United States for two decades.  The first 3G network in the US was launched in 2002.  4G has been around...

The 2022 Town Caucus will be held on Monday, April 11th  at 7pm in the town hall. All registered voters are invited to participate. Any town resident may be nominated for any of the positions below. Voters will be asked to wear a mask.  The caucus warrant can be found here: Caucus 4.11.22 Warrant. For more...

Whip City Fiber provides internet service.  They do not provide television programming, but they offer access to all streaming service providers.  Many customers will subscribe to one or more streaming services (YouTube TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, etc.) for watching TV, movies, and sports over the internet. Watch this video from Whip City Fiber on...

Anna at Whip City Fiber talks about getting the most from your internet connection in this WCF video. Note that Goshen's new internet service is fully synchronous.  This means that your downloads and uploads are capable of the same transmission speeds.  No more waiting 10-20 times as long for an upload as a download. ADDITIONAL USEFUL...

There will be no further updates to this page.  To get the latest Customer Installation and Sign Up information to Go to Goshen's High Speed Internet Service - Sign Up & Customer Installation Info in Town News & Announcements on the Home Page. "What is the Distribution Network?" Described below all weekly updates. FINAL SUBSIDY...

Town Clerk Kristen Estelle reminds residents to return the 2022 Annual Street Listings that were mailed to each household in early January. If you haven’t received one, you can find printable blank copies on the Town Clerk webpage at or contact Kristen to receive another: Please fill out info for everyone who lives...

Northampton Health Department Vaccine Clinic Offers Booster Vaccine with No Appointment Required. NORTHAMPTON - The Northampton Health Department will offer walk-in COVID vaccine booster doses starting Thursday, February 3, 2022 at the Elks Lodge vaccine clinic site at 17 Spring Street, Florence.  These doses are open to all members of the public ages 12 and...

Trinity Solar representatives will be going door to door to solicit business in Goshen over the next two weeks. The Goshen Police Chief wants to let residents know that they may be approached about buying solar through Trinity.  If you are not interested in the sales pitch, ask the representative to leave. If you encounter any...

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