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March 3, 2027

Click on the link to go to the Hampshire Regional School Districts Calendar Page for meeting agendas, schedule changes, and additional calendar items for the entire school district.

April 7, 2027

Click on the link to go to the Hampshire Regional School Districts Calendar Page for meeting agendas, schedule changes, and additional calendar items for the entire school district.

May 5, 2027

Click on the link to go to the Hampshire Regional School Districts Calendar Page for meeting agendas, schedule changes, and additional calendar items for the entire school district.

June 2, 2027

Click on the link to go to the Hampshire Regional School Districts Calendar Page for meeting agendas, schedule changes, and additional calendar items for the entire school district.

July 7, 2027

Click on the link to go to the Hampshire Regional School Districts Calendar Page for meeting agendas, schedule changes, and additional calendar items for the entire school district.

August 4, 2027

Click on the link to go to the Hampshire Regional School Districts Calendar Page for meeting agendas, schedule changes, and additional calendar items for the entire school district.

September 1, 2027

Click on the link to go to the Hampshire Regional School Districts Calendar Page for meeting agendas, schedule changes, and additional calendar items for the entire school district.

October 6, 2027

Click on the link to go to the Hampshire Regional School Districts Calendar Page for meeting agendas, schedule changes, and additional calendar items for the entire school district.

November 3, 2027

Click on the link to go to the Hampshire Regional School Districts Calendar Page for meeting agendas, schedule changes, and additional calendar items for the entire school district.

December 1, 2027

Click on the link to go to the Hampshire Regional School Districts Calendar Page for meeting agendas, schedule changes, and additional calendar items for the entire school district.

Fiber Service Area 2 (FSA2) goes live on Labor Day, September 6, 2021.  Click on this link to see a map of the fiber service areas on the Whip City Fiber (WCF) web site.  If you have NOT already signed up for service you can do so at  Remember, you will only be eligible...

Go the the Building Department web page and you will find the Building Department Fee Schedule Effective 2021-09-01 in the Building Departments Documents section at the bottom of page.    

Illegal firework use has caused serious injuries and also serious fires throughout the nation and state. In addition to fires and injuries, fireworks can be disruptive to residents, military veterans and pets.  Please be considerate of your neighbors and abide by the state law regarding fireworks. For more information about fireworks in Massachusetts click on...

MassDEP will be conducting PFAS testing for a limited number of private wells, focusing on the 84 Massachusetts towns where 60% or more of residents are served by private wells.  Goshen is one of the towns eligible to participate in this program.  Private wells are regulated by local Boards of Health, which are overseen by...

Click on Gun Ownership in Massachusetts, for information on the following: Agencies involved in firearms licensing Firearms license class categories Application process, fees, and renewals Training requirements Transporting firearms in motor vehicles Carrying rifles and shotguns on public ways while hunting Storage of firearms at home Non-residents Aliens Click on Massachusetts Firearms Laws, for information...

See the attached flyer for information on the HCDC CDBG PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION to be held on July 19, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.

Open Meeting Law All meetings are open to the public. Meeting notices must be posted by the town clerk or assistant town clerk at least 48 hours in advance of the public meeting excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. Notices are posted on the bulletin board outside of the town offices building at 40 Main...

Cash or Check made out to the Town of Goshen Birth Certificate                                                 $5.00 Death Certificate                                   ...

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