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Read, print or download Goshen Public Library Summer 2021 Newsletter. This newsletter contains information on the following new items: Books of history/politics/biography Books for children & teens Popular fiction titles Summer reading program for families Call for information on DVDs, museum passes  

Applying for a Marriage License in Goshen Marriage intentions cost $20 cash or check, and must be done in person in the Clerk’s office, with both parties present. Please bring your Driver’s Licenses and know your Social Security numbers. Have ready for filing: Planned date and place of marriage Your names, address and telephone number,...

Birth Certificates Certified copies of birth certificates can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office.  Birth certificates are on file for births which occurred in Goshen, or for children whose parent(s) were residing in Goshen at the time of the birth. The fee for a birth certificate is $5 per certified copy (cash or check...

Th Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) has done an 8 month study to come up with information to evaluate and review the way fire and rescue services in the towns of Chesterfield, Cummington, Goshen, Planfield and Worthington are performed. Go to the PVPC Hilltown Regional Fire Services Feasibility Study web page to view, download, or print...

The Town of Goshen is seeking an organized individual with strong communication skills to serve as a part-time assistant to the Town Administrator of Goshen. The individual will provide administrative and special project support to the Town Administrator. They will assist the Administrator and the Select Board with planning, organizing, developing, coordinating, maintaining, and managing...

Mosquitoes can spread diseases that make you sick.  In Massachusetts, mosquitoes can give you eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus and West Nile virus (WNV). Review this pamphlet on Preventing Mosquito Bites - MA DPH about mosquito born diseases and how best to control & prevent bites for both humans and animals. For additional information on...

Follow this link to view, print or download the Annual Town Report 2020 at the bottom of the Select Board page. Annual Town Reports for 2016-2019 are also in the documents section at the bottom of the Select Board Page.

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