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D-Day cemetery Normandy, France A brief ceremony by Cummington American Legion Post 304 will take place at the times and locations noted below.  Goshen resident Nick Cockoros will be the featured speaker at the Goshen ceremony.  All are invited to attend and honor those who gave service to our country. 8:30 AM in Worthington at...

Town Clerk Kristen Estelle reminds residents that the late fee for dog licenses goes into effect June 1st, 2021. The late fee is $25 per dog on top of the license fee. To obtain a 2021 dog license, please mail the following: a completed dog license form (found here: Dog-License-Form-2020.pdf ( current rabies certificate indicating...

Here are the annual town election results from today: ATE 5.1.2021 Results. We had 8% voter turnout. I’d like to thank our dedicated election workers: Evelyn Kellogg-Culver, Warden Kit Rock, Clerk Nicholas Cockoros, Constable Henrietta Munroe Roxanne Cunningham Kathy Boisvert Roger Culver Melanie Dana Marya Zilberberg I also thank my assistant, Gina Papineau, for all...

Click on Fire Department Chief to view, download or print this document.  

Click on Part-Time Assistant Transfer Station Attendant Job Description to view, download or print this document. Go to the Town of Goshen Employment Application to fill out and submit an application according to the information and instructions thereon.  

If you have previously given Wired West a deposit, you may request a refund by clicking on Wired West deposit refund info and following the directions found there.  

The completed and State accepted Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) updated for 2021-2028 is available for the public to view, print or download at the link below or by going to the documents section at the bottom of the Open Space Committee page on the Town website. This OSRP update assesses the current status...

Composting information and a special offer through the Hilltown Resource Manangement Cooperative (HRMC) to purchase an Earth Machine Compost bin for 75% less than retail prices.  Go here Goshen Composting Information and Composting Bin Special Offer 2021 for the details. Learn more about the Goshen Board of Health's 50% recycling goal and how we are...

The annual town election will be held on Saturday, May 1st from 9am-1pm in the John James Memorial Hall, located at 42 Main Street. Here is a sample ballot: ATE 2021 Ballot Voters will be asked to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer before entering the town hall.  Social distancing and other safety precautions will...

Click on the Goshen Bid Request info for Landscape Maintenance Services 2021-2023 to learn about, print, and submit a bid as indicated on the document.  

Click here to go the Select Board page and scroll to the Other Documents section to look at the referenced document above.  You may print, view, or download the documents of your choice.  

The 2021 Town Caucus was held on Monday, March 15th at 7pm in the town hall.  16 residents participated (easily meeting the reduced quorum of three). The following Goshen voters were nominated and accepted their nominations by signing the Caucus Certificate of Nomination within 72 hours of the Caucus. These names and positions will appear on...

National Grid finished their make ready work  in May 2020, two months ahead of schedule.  They replaced 108 poles and moved wires on all the poles in town. Verizon has finished their make ready work of moving wires on all utility poles as of October 21, 2020. Axia/KCST and their subcontractor Phoenix have completed all...

Go to this link for all the Massachusetts COVID-19 Vaccine Information. The above page contains information on the following topics: When you can get the COVID-19 vaccine? Overview of COVID-19 Vaccination Phases COVID-19 vaccine locations for individuals currently eligible to be vaccinated MA COVID-19 Vaccination Report COVID-19 Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions About the MA COVID-19...

The 2021 Town Caucus will be held on Monday, March 15th at 7pm in the town hall. All registered voters are invited to participate. Any town resident may be nominated for any of the positions below. Voters will be asked to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer before entering the town hall.  Social distancing and...

Town Clerk Kristen Estelle reminds residents that 2020 dog licenses expire March 31st, and 2021 licenses need to be obtained.  A dog licensing form was mailed with the street listing, but can also be found here: Dog Licenses - Goshen, MA ( Neutered/ spayed dogs are $5 each; intact dogs are $10. Valid rabies certificates...

The Hampshire County Local Boards of Health are aware that it has been extremely difficult for eligible individuals to access appointments for COVID-19 vaccinations.  Go to our letter, Hampshire County Local Boards of Health COVID-19 Vaccination Information, to see specific information on vaccination sites in Northampton and Amherst.  These sites will be receiving an initial...

Go to this link for all the Re-opening Massachusetts - Current Guidelines. The information on this page is updated as Massachusetts requirements change.  Check back regularly to see about updated restrictions. For a complete list of COVID-19 updates go to  COVID-19 postings in Town News & Announcements. To go to the COVID-19 Alerts information page...

The 2021 annual street listings have been mailed to each household in Goshen. If you haven’t received one, you can find printable blank copies on the Town Clerk webpage at, or contact the clerk’s office to receive another: 413-268-8236 x107, Please fill out info for everyone who lives in your house, sign and...

Winter is coming.  Though emergencies happen throughout the year, if you have NOT already signed up for CodeRED emergency notifications from Goshen, now is an excellent time to consider participating.  There are too many who have NOT signed up for these notifications.  Make this a more effective tool for Goshen residents to receive emergency notifications. ...

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