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The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Westfield Gas & Electric have partnered with some hilltowns to temporarily offer a high speed internet connection at a central location in each participating town.  This connection will offer speeds of up to 200 MBPS for up to 15 concurrent connections.  In Goshen, that Wi-Fi  connection has been installed at...

Thinking about travelling for the holidays or visiting family and friends? Go to this link for current Massachusetts COVID-19 Travel Order and Restrictions Currently in Effect. The information on this page is updated as Massachusetts requirements change.  Check back regularly to see about updated restrictions. For a complete list of COVID-19 updates go to  COVID-19...

This project is funded through the  MassDOT Complete Streets program and will include some widening, repaving and pavement marking for a pedestrian lane along 1,700 feet of East Street, beginning at the intersection with Route 9. Sealed bids will be opened on December 4, 2020, at the Town Office. The project is anticipated to begin...

*Update 11/9/20: There will not be a Post-Election Tabulation Session today as no additional ballots were received between 8pm November 3rd and 5pm November 6th. There will be a Post-Election Tabulation Session on Monday, November 9th, 2020 at 9:30am in the John James Memorial Hall, 42 Main Street. This session will count all ballots postmarked...

85% voter turnout for this historic election! Here are the results: Goshen Election Results- General Election 11.3.20

Beginning on Friday, November 6, 2020 new measures take effect in Massachusetts in order disrupt the increasing trend of the COVID-19 pandemic in the following areas: Summary of the new measures Stay at home advisory changes Early Closure of Businesses & Certain Activities Revised order requiring in public places Revised order further regulating gatherings in...

Goshen needs volunteers to help support the work that committees and boards do for the town. Click on this link to see a current list of volunteer positions needed:  Town of Goshen - Vacancies for Appointment as of 2020-10-27. If you see something you might be interested in contact the chair of that board or...

Goshen currently has 790 registered voters. 274 Vote by Mail ballots have been mailed out to those who requested them; 129 have been returned. Vote by Mail applications are due by 5pm on Wednesday, October 28th, 2020. As a reminder, VBM ballots can be returned through the mail, via the ballot drop box on the...

The Goshen Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 local Cultural Councils serving all 351 cities and towns in the Commonwealth. The LCC Program is the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, supporting thousands of community-based projects in the arts, sciences and humanities every year. The state legislature provides an annual...

These Hilltown CDC programs are available to residents of the Towns of Ashfield, Blandford, Chester, Chesterfield, Cummington, Goshen, Huntington, Middlefield, Montgomery, Plainfield, Williamsburg and Worthington. The Hilltown Food Bucks Program offers coupons or “bucks” for low to moderate income families to use while shopping at select locations.   Information, application and a contact for this program...

Update 10/5/20: The Vote by Mail ballots have arrived! Today I mailed all 269 ballots out to those who have requested them so far. If you requested one, you can expect it in your mailbox any day now. Once you receive your vote by mail ballot, and have filled it out and sealed it in...

In person early voting is available multiple days for the November 3rd General Election at the John James Memorial Hall, 42 Main St. The dates and hours will be: Saturday, Oct. 17th       2-4pm Sunday, Oct. 18th           2-4pm Monday, Oct. 19th         9-3 and 6-8...

֎ Town Meeting Minutes Annual Town Meetings: Annual Town Meeting Minutes 2024-05-18 Annual Town Meeting Minutes 2023-05-20 Annual Town Meeting Minutes 2022-05-21 Annual Town Meeting Minutes 2021-06-12 Annual Town Meeting Minutes 2020-07-25 Annual Town Meeting Minutes 2019-05-20 Annual Town Meeting Minutes 2018-05-21 Special Town Meetings: Special Town Meeting Minutes 2023-10-23 Special Town Meeting Minutes 2023-03-13...

Goshen had a 54% voter turnout for the September 1st 2020 State Primary & Town Override Election! Here are the results: State Primary Results 9.1.2020 STE Override Results 9.1.2020

Many Goshen voters decided to vote early by mail or in person for the Sept. 1st Primary & Town Override. I wanted to clear up some confusion about early voting. • All ballots, for both the state primary and town override, will be processed and put into the ballot box on election day. That day,...

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