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Requests for Proposals for the construction of Goshen's fiber optic network were released May 6. Competitive bids were received on May 22.  Bids were reviewed and analyzed by the project engineering team at Westfield Gas & Electric for any errors, omissions or questions and to verify they complied with the RFP documentation. After thorough review...

Click here for the poster on broadband status presented at the Annual Town Meeting of 2020-07-25:  POSTER PRESENTED 2020-07-25 at the Annual Town Meeting.  

Email the Finance Committee your questions about the Annual Town Meeting information in the documents linked below: Finance Committee Report & Recommendations presented at the Annual Town Meeting on July 25, 2020 For best viewing of the document above download and open in Acrobat Reader.  Then, go to View, then Page Display and select Two...

The annual town election will be held on Saturday, August 1st from 9am-1pm in the John James Memorial Hall, located at 42 Main Street. Here is a sample ballot: ATE 2020 Ballot. Voters will be asked to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer before entering the town hall.  Social distancing and other safety precautions...

Changes to the types of plastic cups, plastic egg cartons, aerosol cans & shredded paper go into effect on July 1, 2020.  Click on the link below for specific details. Recycling Changes Effective July 1, 2020

The Municipal Light Plant (MLP) Board voted to select Westfield Gas & Electric as Goshen's ISP & NO. Selection criteria were based on the following: Local control over MLP decisions, policies & profits Reliability, experience & integrity of the business partner Proven business track record, history & financial stability Local control over rate setting Structural...

Hilltown Pantry, a program of Northampton Survival Center, is open for food distribution every Wednesday from 1-3 p.m. Residents of all 10 Hilltowns (Chesterfield, Cummington, Goshen, Haydenville, Huntington, Middlefield, Plainfield, Westhampton, Williamsburg, Worthington) who are having difficulties accessing enough groceries for their household are welcome to use the pantry. Free, prepacked bags of shelf-stable food...

State grant monies originally provided Goshen with $770,000 as partial funding for Goshen’s fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) town-owned network.  In addition, the town voted to borrow up to $1.4 million to cover the remaining costs of building the town’s FTTH network. “Make-ready” costs have far exceeded the estimates from the initial project cost assessment.  (“Make-ready” costs are...

Click the Open Burning Permits online application, where you will be asked to provide some basic information that includes your name, address, telephone number, and location of the brush pile you want to burn.  The online application is available and active from January 15 through May 1. Permits are only issued between 8:30 a.m. and...

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