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Recently, you should have received a letter from the U.S. Census Bureau, inviting you to go online to respond to the 2020 federal Census. The U.S. Census counts every person in the country every 10 years. The information gathered through the census is used to decide how much our communities get in state and federal...

The Towns of Chesterfield, Cummington, Goshen, and Worthington are collaborating with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC), residents, and stakeholders on strategies to reduce vulnerability and adapt to our changing climate through the State’s Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program.  The core directive of the MVP program is to engage community stakeholders to facilitate the education,...

  Coronavirus COVID-19 Alert Information    Massachusetts  - Information on the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Massachusetts Provides A FREE Telehealth Service For COVID 19 Treatment Massachusetts COVID-19 Testing information & locations Massachusetts COVID-19 Vaccine Information. Reopening Massachusetts Current Information Pages Massachusetts COVID-19 Travel Order and Restrictions Currently in Effect New Measures To Curb Rising...

Please see the PDF below for Goshen's Presidential Primary results. Goshen Election Results Pres. Primary 3.3.2020

Beginning in January 2020, and continuing for the next six months, National Grid and their subcontractors will be doing tree trimming around all of the utility company poles and wires in preparation for the build out of the fiber optic network that is to begin later this year. National Grid, or their subcontractors, will be...

Absentee voting is now available for the March 3rd Presidential Primary. Eligible absentee voters are those who will not be in town on the day of the election, or cannot vote in person due to physical disability or religious belief. The application may be filled out in the town clerk's office, or can be found online...

2020 dog licenses are in! The 2019 dog licenses expire on March 31st, 2020. Neutered/ spayed dogs are $5 each; intact dogs are $10. A dog licensing form can be found on the Town Clerk page of this website, which you can use to register your dogs by mail or in the town clerk’s office...

Please read this important update about how recycling is handled, processed, sold, paid for, and used in Western Massachusetts. Western Mass Recycling - Not a Wasted Effort  

Please click on Capital Projects, at the top of this page, then, New Hingham School Roof Repair to see updated information on the completion of this project.

The Town of Goshen, MA is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Highway Equipment Operator & Laborer.  This individual performs skilled and semi-skilled work operating heavy and light equipment used for construction, maintenance and repair of streets, sidewalks, bridges, fences, culverts, catch basins, and storm drains, as well as snow and ice removal in...

2025 Local Elections Goshen’s Annual Town Election will be held Saturday, June 7th, 2025. The Annual Town Caucus, in which residents are nominated for the elected positions, will be held Monday, April 14th, 2025. 2024 State & Federal Elections The State Election was held November 5, 2024.  The results can be found on the Goshen Elections Result...

The 2025 dog licenses are in! All dogs 6 months and older must be licensed by March 31 annually.  Dogs who have just turned 6 months old or just moved to town must be licensed regardless of the time of year.  Proof of rabies and spay/neuter must be presented at time of licensing. Fees: Spayed...

Who must file? Any person, whether individually or as a partnership, conducting business under any title other than the complete real name of the owner(s). Any corporation doing business in a name other than its corporate name.  The certificate must be completed and filed by a corporate officer. Where does one file and is there a...

Every January, the Town Clerk's Office is required under Massachusetts General Law to mail the Annual Street Listing form to every household in Goshen.  Residents are urged to check the information contained on the form, make any necessary corrections, sign the form and return it to the Clerk’s Office as soon as possible.  Ignoring the first...

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