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UPDATES: January 2020: The repair of the New Hingham School roof has been completed. Total project costs for both Chesterfield and Goshen amounted to $261,678.59.  This includes several change orders that increased the original bid price of $194,400 to the amount above. Goshen's share of the project cost is $129,213.76 and Chesterfield's share of the...

The Chesterfield-Goshen School Committee met on Monday,  June 24th, 2019 to discuss and award the bid for the replacement of the New Hingham School roof.   Bids ranged from $194,400 to $1,279,000.  The lowest bid for the asphalt shingle option was $194,400 and for metal was $ 717,500, both low bids were submitted by Larochelle Construction,...

41 of Goshen’s 741 registered voters (5%) came out to the polls today to vote for a select board member. Kristine A. Bissell, who ran uncontested, won all 41 votes.

Absentee voting is now available in the town clerk’s office for the July 15th special election. This is to elect a select board member who will finish the remainder of a term that ends in May 2020. Eligible absentee voters are ones who will not be in town on the day of the election, or...

There will be a special election on Monday, July 15th from 4-8pm in the John James Memorial Hall, 42 Main Street, to elect a select board member who will finish the remainder of a term that ends in May 2020. Kristine A. Bissell is running unopposed for the seat. The last day to register to...

105 of Goshen's 744 registered voters (14%) came out to the polls today to vote on the following question: Shall the Town be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the Town’s share of the bond authorized by the Chesterfield / Goshen Regional School...

Absentee voting is available for voters who will not be in town on June 5th for the Special Election regarding the school roof, or cannot vote in person due to physical disability or religious belief. Absentee voting applications are available in the town clerk’s office, as well as online at Please contact Town Clerk,...

A reminder that the Complete Streets Committee is holding an information session on Wednesday, May 29th on the finding for their walkability and connectivity projects. All are encouraged to attend.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Goshen, who are qualified to vote in the town affairs, that the SPECIAL TOWN ELECTION will be held WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2019, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the John James Memorial...

The annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony is scheduled for Monday May 27.  Parade participants will assemble at 9:30 AM in the parking lot across from the Goshen Town Hall located at 40 Main Street.  The parade will step off promptly at 10:00AM, proceed up Main Street (Route 9) to the Goshen Cemetery off of...

The Board of Health has established a 50% recycling goal with the intent of increasing quantity and improving the quality of the materials being recycled at the transfer station.  In 2016, the Town of Goshen had a recycling rate of 31.3% Many residents are conscientious about recycling and believe that they are properly recycling. The Board of Health...

Your recyclables go to a facility in Springfield to be sorted and sold to manufacturers who will use these materials to make new products.  To learn more about this facility & processes go to the Springfield Materials Recycling Facility website. Click on What is Recyclable to access individual guides about what may or may not...

The Institute for Human Centered Design has completed a review of the accessibility of town buildings and programs in the towns of Chesterfield, Cummington, and Goshen.  They will be sharing their findings with the public on Tuesday, May 28th at 1pm at the Goshen Town Hall.  Learn more about the ADA Transition Plans for each...

The Town of Goshen is looking for proposals from qualified contractors to design, procure, install, test, commission, and interconnect to the electric company (National Grid) a Solar Photovoltaic power generating system at the Fire House located at 56 Main Street, Goshen, MA 01032. Funding for this project consists of exclusively of Green Communities Grant funding...

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