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The Town of Goshen is looking for proposals from qualified contractors to design, procure, install, test, commission, and interconnect to the electric company (National Grid) a Solar Photovoltaic power generating system at the Fire House located at 56 Main Street, Goshen, MA 01032. Funding for this project consists of exclusively of Green Communities Grant funding...

Overview In 2014, the Town of Goshen received $141,000 from the Green Community Grant Program to fund administrative costs and the following energy conservation measures: Interior lighting retrofits at Town Hall, Fire Hall, Town Offices, and the Highway Garage Implementation of approved energy conservation measures in municipal buildings to be determined The Green Community Designation...

Proposed Marijuana Zoning by-law COMPLETE TEXT

The 2019 Town Caucus will be held on Monday, March 18th at 7pm in the town hall. All registered voters are invited to participate. Any town resident may be nominated for any of the positions below. Here is a list of the positions up for nomination and the individuals who currently occupy the seats:   Position...

Click on the links below to access the warrant and other supporting documentation for the Annual Town Meeting that is scheduled for Monday, May 20th at 7PM in the Goshen Town Hall. ATM Warrant 2019-5-20 Completed & Signed Funding Sources for Warrant Articles - Annual Town Meeting on May 20, 2019 Proposed Marijuana Zoning by-law...

General Town Meeting Information: Town meetings are held in the John James Memorial Town Hall at 42 Main Street. See the Select Board page Documents list for Town Meeting warrants. See the Finance Committee page Documents list for their information relating to Town Meetings. Click here to see the Goshen Town Meeting Guide. The information...

Town Meeting Guide What rules govern Town Meeting? In Goshen, the Moderator guides his actions by the parliamentary handbook used by most Massachusetts Moderators known as Town Meeting Times and the Massachusetts General Laws which are supplemented by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. Who may speak at Town Meeting? All of the town's registered...

The Goshen select board voted on Friday, May 3rd to hold a special election on Monday, July 15th from 4-8pm to replace selectman James Heroux, whose resignation goes into effect May 20th. The caucus to nominate a replacement will be on Monday, June 3rd at 7pm. The resident who is elected in July will finish...

Project Timeline 04/07/2019 Work is expected to begin again during the week of 4/29/2019. Winter, 2018 Be advised that work has stopped for the winter and will resume in late Spring 2019 dependent upon weather and ground conditions. 12/07/2018 Goshen Cap Repair November 2018 Monthly Report with photos. Click below to view a copy of...

PROJECT INFORMATION  For a complete list of current (late 2020 & beyond) project updates click on High Speed Internet postings in Town News & Announcements. Click here for the poster on broadband status included in the street census listing mailed at the end of 2020: High Speed Internet 2020-12 POSTER Click here for the poster...

This project proposes to reclaim and resurface approximately 1.8 miles of West Street from South Main Street (near Route 9) to the Chesterfield town line. The project also includes drainage improvements, guard rail installation, and new signs / markings. Hours of Operation: During Erosion Control - 7:00 am - 3:30 pm Full Construction (begins 8/24)...

Click on any of the titles below for more information on these active projects: Broadband (High Speed Internet) Goshen Sanitary Landfill Cap Repair West Street Reconstruction

The Goshen Annual Town Election for 2019 has come to a close. Here are the results. ATE 5.4.2019 Results

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