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The Goshen Annual Town Election for 2019 has come to a close. Here are the results. ATE 5.4.2019 Results

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Goshen's annual town election will be held on Saturday, May 4th from 9am-2pm at the John James Memorial Hall, located at 42 Main Street. Click on the file below to view the warrant. Absentee voting is available for voters who will not be in town on the day of the election, or cannot vote in...

The Planning Board for the Town of Goshen will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m., April 18, 2019 in the Goshen Town Hall (42 Main Street) to hear an amendment to the town’s Zoning Bylaw to add a bylaw regulating the siting and other aspects of medical and adult use marijuana establishments in the...

At its meeting last night, the Select Board approved the following timeline for the Annual Town Meeting. Please submit any draft articles, or general topics for articles that your committee/department is contemplating for the warrant, no later than next Wednesday April 10. If you have any questions or need assistance please don’t hesitate to ask. 4/2  ...

On behalf of the Complete Streets Committee, this communication is to inform residents about some exciting projects our town is undertaking. With close input from multiple town committees, strong support from the Select Board, and funding from the State of Massachusetts, we have engaged the Conway School of Landscape Design to help us assess recreational...

The warrant for the Annual Town Caucus meeting has been posted.  The meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 18th, 2019 at 7PM in the Goshen Town Hall (42 Main Street). Go to the Town Caucus page for additional details. Caucus 2019 Warrant

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