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2019 dog licenses are available in the Town Clerk’s office. All dogs aged 6 months and older must have a current rabies certificate and license. Licenses are $5 for neutered/spayed dogs and $10 for intact males and females. Residents may register their dogs during town clerk hours: Monday 9am-3pm and 6pm-8pm, or send a check,...

New Hingham Regional Elementary School has begun their pre-kindergarten registration process for the 2019-2020 school year. They will host an informational open house tomorrow night, Thursday, January 24th at 6:00 p.m. and on Friday, January 25th at 9:00 a.m. Chesterfield and Goshen residents are strongly encouraged to attend the open house if you have a...

Download, print and fill out this form to aid your dog licensing process.  You may either bring it in during office hours with the supplemental info (Rabies certificate, spayed/neutered certificate) and payment, or mail all of those items with a self-addressed stamped envelope to Town Clerk, 40 Main St. Goshen, MA 01032.  Licenses are not...

Note that many departments will be working limited hours this week due to the Christmas and New Years holidays. If you have any business with any town departments, please call the Town Offices first to confirm that the office or department is open.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) has issued a fish consumption advisory for Damon Pond in Goshen and Chesterfield. DPH is issuing a public health fish consumption advisory for Damon Pond based on elevated levels of mercury.   The mercury levels in the fish tested from Damon Pond were compared to the DPH guideline level...

Overdue maintenance needs of trees and shrubs in Memorial Park will be addressed in the near future. This will involve pruning of dead and diseased branches and removal of undesirable trees and shrubs. In an effort to improve the health and safety of the trees in Memorial Park and make the Park more attractive to...

Click on the file below for details on how the town voted in this years state election: Goshen State Election Results 11.6.18

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