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The CodeRED system will leave the emergency notification message on your voicemail or answering machine.  If you do not have voicemail or an answering machine, the dialer will attempt your phone number three times.

Yes. When you register your number there is an option to enter the TDD/TYY information.

Absolutely.  The Town of Goshen encourages businesses to register to receive emergency notifications.

You only need to register if you wish to receive emergency notification and the following conditions apply: You want to be notified on your cell phone You have an unlisted phone number You have recently moved and need to update your phone number You use TDD/TTY You want to use your work phone as a...

CodeRED is an automated emergency notification system that allows the Municipality to send out pre-recorded messages over the telephone to our residents alerting them to certain situations. CodeRED will primarily be utilized to notify citizens of situations that might include evacuation notices, boil water advisories, utility outages, snow emergencies and other situations in which urgent...

Mission Statement The goal of the Highway Department is to give the residents a safe and enjoyable network of roads for their use year round at an affordable cost.

Creation and composition of the Capital Planning Committee: The Town voted to amend its General By-laws pursuant to M.G.L. c.41, §106B, to establish a Capital Planning Committee, that will replace any previous Capital Planning Committee, at the Annual Town Meeting held on July 25, 2020.  This change created a Capital Planning Committee that would conform...

OVERVIEW The Building Department's responsibilities include the protection of the health, safety and welfare of Goshen residents through the enforcement of state and local laws, by-laws and regulations. The Department issues permits for all types of construction including all public and private buildings. They also issue permits for additions and alterations of buildings, for installations...

The Goshen Free Public Library, located on the 2nd floor of the John James Memorial Town Hall, at 42 Main Street (Route 9), serves area residents by providing books, DVDs, audiobooks, music CDs, magazines, high-speed Internet and computers for public use, WiFi, Interlibrary Loan (ILL), and a printer/scanner/copier (nominal cost). Curbside pickup is still available.  ...

The Foothills Health District is a quasi-governmental, formal, tax-exempt organization formed in 1986, whose main objective is sharing of personnel resources. One full time employee, the Foothills Health Agent, currently serves the four member towns Boards of Health: Goshen, Westhampton, Williamsburg, and Whately. The Foothills District Office is located in the Williamsburg Town Hall, Haydenville....

The Board of Health is empowered by Massachusetts General Law Chapter 111, and regulations of the Department of Public Health and Department of Environmental Protection to investigate and abate certain conditions. Examples of some conditions for which we have received complaints are: report of trash, refuse, debris, or solid waste deposited on empty land or...

The snow will continue until this evening but the bigger concern will be the expected low temperatures and high winds, which will hit later this evening and continue through tomorrow and later. There is a potential for power outages because of downed trees and branches. These outages may be prolonged because the high winds may delay...

As part of the preliminary work associated with the construction of Goshen’s fiber optic network, mapping of utility poles will commence on Monday, November 15, 2017.  This work is being carried out by Westfield Gas & Electric using a sub-contractor called Precision Valley Communications. Mapping will continue for the next several weeks including weekends.  In...

The three members of the Goshen Board of Health are elected for overlapping three year terms.  The board works closely with the Health Agent on all matters of Public Health.  The Health Agent is responsible for all technical aspects of septic and well designs, installations and inspections. Under Massachusetts General Law and state and local...

In the race for Goshen Select Board, James Heroux received 39 votes while James Barret received 33. Question 1 received 68 yes votes, 12 no votes and 3 blanks. Question 1 passes. A copy of the Election Clerk Report is attached below: 2017.10.21 - Special Election Results

Town Moderator's Page What rules govern Town Meeting? In Goshen, the Moderator guides his actions by the parliamentary handbook used by most Massachusetts Moderators known as “Town Meeting Time” and the Massachusetts General Laws which are supplemented by “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.” Who may speak at Town Meeting? All of the town's registered...

Goshen residents can now access their property listings electronically by clicking on this link.  The site includes parcel data and is being provided as a service to the residents and taxpayers of Goshen. Please note that any recent data updates and new construction made in our live office database may not be reflected in online database...

There will be a Town Caucus and Special Town Meeting on Tuesday, August 29th.  The Town Caucus will begin at 7pm and is needed to nominate candidates for the balance of a three year term on the Goshen Select Board being vacated by Nina Pinger.  Immediately following at 7:30pm will be a Special Town Meeting...

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