We are busy here in the Town Clerk’s office preparing for the State Primary on Sept. 3rd and the State Election on Nov. 5th.
The last day to register to vote for the State Primary is Saturday, August 24th, 2024. There will be in person voter registration available in the Town Clerk’s Office, 40 Main Street, that day from 9am-11am and 3-5pm. You can also register to vote at: www.sec.state.ma.us/OVR/
Specimen ballots can be viewed here: Democratic: State Election Ballot Sample, Republican: State Election Ballot Sample, Libertarian: State Election Ballot Sample
Here are the three options for casting your vote for the Primary:
- Vote in person, on election day, Sept. 3rd from 7am-8pm in the John James Memorial Hall.
- Vote early in person, on Saturday August 24th from 9am-1pm or Monday, August 26th from 9am-1pm in the John James Memorial Hall.
- Vote by mail. Every registered voter should have received a prepaid post card from the Secretary of the State’s office, asking if you’d like to vote by mail. If you’d prefer to vote in person, just discard the post card. No action needed. If you do want to vote by mail, I must receive your application by Monday, August 26th at 5pm in order to have your ballot mailed to you.
If you didn’t receive the vote by mail post card, you can apply via the State’s online portal.
Vote by Mail ballots must be returned to the Town Clerk’s Office by close of the polls on election day in order to be counted. Ballots that arrive after that time – even if they are postmarked on or before Election Day – will not be counted.
Please contact Town Clerk Kristen Estelle with any questions or concerns: clerk@goshen-ma.us, 413-268-8236 x107.