Goshen currently has 790 registered voters.
274 Vote by Mail ballots have been mailed out to those who requested them; 129 have been returned. Vote by Mail applications are due by 5pm on Wednesday, October 28th, 2020. As a reminder, VBM ballots can be returned through the mail, via the ballot drop box on the outside of town offices, or dropped off during the remaining in person early voting hours. You can track your VBM ballot here: www.sec.state.ma.us/wheredoivotema/track/trackmyballot.aspx
Voting early in person was a popular choice for voters the past 3 days, with 69 choosing to do so. There is still time to vote early in person: Sat. 10/24 2-4pm, Sun. 10/25 2-4pm, and Mon. 10/26 9am-3pm and 6pm-8pm. Please wear a mask, use hand sanitizer when entering, and maintain social distancing. You may bring your own writing implement, if you wish.
Then there’s Election Day itself on November 3rd, 7am-8pm. Same rules re: mask, hand sanitizer, social distancing, and option to bring your own pen/pencil. Important: no hats, pins, shirts, stickers, signs or any other item endorsing a candidate or question may be worn or visibly held in a polling place or within 150’ of the polling location. If you are seen with any of these items, you will be asked to remove them or turn your shirt inside out before you can vote.
Contact Town Clerk Kristen Estelle with any questions or concerns: clerk@goshen-ma.us, 413-268-8236 x107.