Fiber Optic Network – Pole Mapping Has Begun

Posted on November 16, 2017

Fiber Optic Cable

As part of the preliminary work associated with the construction of Goshen’s fiber optic network, mapping of utility poles will commence on Monday, November 15, 2017.  This work is being carried out by Westfield Gas & Electric using a sub-contractor called Precision Valley Communications. Mapping will continue for the next several weeks including weekends.  In addition to measuring utility poles on the streets, workers will also need to take measurements of utility poles that run on people’s driveways. Work will not be done on days during rain or falling snow.  Crews will be in marked cars that have a magnetic sign and flashing beacon lights.  The workers will also be wearing safety vests that prominently display their identification.  Their normal work hours are between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

No action is required by you. This message is intended to make you aware of this activity should you see unfamiliar vehicles or workers.

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