The Town of Goshen Board of Health has a limited supply of at-home COVID test kits available for residents. If you are unable to access or afford test kits from other sources, please contact us and we will arrange to provide you test kits.
To request tests, please send an email to: Healthboard@goshen-ma.us with the Subject line of COVID TEST KIT REQUEST.
Be sure to include your name, address, contact information (phone, text, email) and the number of test kits requested. Also include any time constraints or special circumstances and any other relevant information.
If you need a COVID-19 test now, please see other testing resources for testing locations in your area.
For a complete list of COVID-19 updates go to COVID-19 postings in Town News & Announcements.
To go to the COVID-19 Alerts information page click here COVID-19 Alerts information page.