The unofficial state election results from our town today can be found here: Goshen Pres. Primary 3.5.24 Unofficial Results . We had 35% voter turnout.
I’d like to thank our dedicated election workers:
Evelyn Kellogg-Culver, Warden
Shannon Wade, Warden
Kerry Normandin
Kit Rock
Charlie Amo
Nick Cockoros
Abby Kingman
Henrietta Munroe
Roxanne Cunningham
Paula Pedersen
Barbara LeBeau
Jenny Bisbee
Roger Culver
Marya Zilberberg
Melanie Dana
Jim Lyons
Tammy Lyons
I also thank my assistant, Gina Papineau, for all her help, and custodian Ron Loven and his wife, Joanie, for setting up the Town Hall.
Do you have any interest in being an election worker? Please contact me if you do. We could always use more help. 413-268-8236 x107, clerk@goshen-ma.us