MassDEP will be conducting PFAS testing for a limited number of private wells, focusing on the 84
Massachusetts towns where 60% or more of residents are served by private wells. Goshen is one of the towns eligible to participate in this program. Private wells are regulated by local Boards of Health, which are overseen by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. MassDEP will work with these entities, other local partners, and MassDEP’s contractor, the University of Massachusetts (UMass), to select and provide for free sampling of selected private wells. An estimated 40 wells will be selected within each of the 84 towns based on priorities including geographic distribution throughout the town, proximity to potential sources of PFAS, and available funding. Should fewer than 20 of the selected well owners opt to participate in the program, other private well owners will be invited to apply and will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.
For information on this program and to get answers to the questions below go to Frequently Asked Questions about the MassDEP Private Wells PFAS Sampling Program. There is also a link to the MassDEP application form to see if you are eligible.
- What are PFAS and why are they a concern?
- What are some of the reasons I might test my private well for PFAS?
- What is the MassDEP Private Wells PFAS Sampling Program?
- If a well is not selected for the program, are there other resources available?
- How does a private well owner sign up for PFAS sampling?
- Who collects the water samples for the MassDEP Private Wells PFAS Sampling Program?
- How does the selected private well owner get the water sample bottles for PFAS sampling?
- Which PFAS contaminants will the Massachusetts certified laboratory analyze the PFAS water samples for?
- Why do the PFAS water sampling results include other PFAS in addition to the regulated PFAS6?
- What does it mean if other unregulated PFAS are detected in my drinking water?
- What is involved in the quality control check of the PFAS laboratory results?
- How are the selected private well owners informed of the PFAS water sampling results?
- Will MassDEP collect any additional samples after the initial samples?
- What will happen if PFAS is confirmed to be present in a private well?
- What will happen if PFAS in the well water is confirmed at an elevated level?
- What are the potential costs if a private well owner’s property is found to be the source PFAS
contamination? - Will the laboratory results of the PFAS testing of selected private wells be made public?
- Will there be a final report summarizing the Private Well PFAS Sampling Program?
- Are public water supplies also testing for PFAS?
- Who can I contact for information or technical assistance on free PFAS samples?
- What are some Town considerations?
- How is Massachusetts addressing PFAS?
- Additional links for more information