Sign up for Goshen’s high-speed internet service is in process. The final initial subscription period runs through May 31, 2022. In order to receive the town subsidy for connecting your house or business, to the new fiber optic network, you must sign up for internet service and accept installation by May 31, 2022. If you sign up after May 31, 2022 you will not be eligible for the town subsidy. If you do NOT sign up for internet service you will NOT be eligible for the town subsidy to connect your house to the fiber optic network.
To sign up, go to whipcityfiber.com/goshen. If you need help signing up for service, or, if you aren’t sure that you signed up for service, contact Whip City Fiber (WCF) customer service at (413) 485 1251. If you have technical questions contact Whip City Fiber technical support at (413) 485 1204.
Whip City Fiber (WCF) customer support will contact people, who have signed up for service to schedule installations. Installation appointments are offered in the order in which people signed up in each FSA. Customers must pay a $150.00 missed appointment charge for a scheduled installation at which they fail to be present and available.
If you have previously given Wired West a deposit, you may request a refund by clicking on Wired West deposit refund info and following the directions found there.
Week of September 12-September 16, 2022:
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3 & FSA1.
Week of September 5-September 10, 2022:
- Monday: Labor day, no work today.
- Thursday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Saturday: Scheduled consultations in FSA1.
Week of August 29-September 2, 2022:
- Friday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1 & FSA3.
Week of August 22-August 26, 2022:
- Wednesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1 & FSA3.
Week of August 15-August 20, 2022:
- Friday: Underground construction in FSA1. Scheduled customer installations in FSA1 & FSA3.
- Saturday: Underground construction in FSA1.
Week of August 8-August 12, 2022:
- Wednesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Thursday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1.
Week of August 1-August 5, 2022:
- Monday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3. Major fiber burn repair & replacement work on Route 9 West affecting secondary failover circuit and customers on Loomis, Shaw & Sears Roads.
- Tuesday: Major fiber burn repair & replacement work on Route 9 West affecting secondary failover circuit and customers on Loomis, Shaw & Sears Roads.
- Thursday: Underground construction in FSA3.
Week of July 25-July 29, 2022:
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3 & FSA1. Underground consultations in FSA3.
- Wednesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3. Underground construction in FSA3.
Week of July 18-July 22, 2022:
- Thursday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3 & FSA1.
Week of July 11-July 15, 2022:
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
Week of July 4-July 8, 2022:
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
Week of June 27-July 2, 2022:
- Saturday: Underground construction in FSA3.
Week of June 20-June 25, 2022:
- Monday: No work today, Juneteenth.
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3. Underground construction in FSA3.
- Wednesday: Underground construction in FSA3.
Week of Jun13-June 17, 2022:
- Wednesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1 & FSA3.
Week of June 6-June 10, 2022:
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Wednesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1.
Week of May 30-June 3, 2022:
- Monday: No work today, Memorial Day.
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1 & FSA3. Underground construction in FSA1.
- Wednesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Thursday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3. Underground construction in FSA3
- Friday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
Week of May 23-May 28, 2022:
- Monday: To be determined.
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1 & FSA3. Underground construction in FSA1.
- Wednesday: To be determined.
- Thursday: Underground construction in FSA3 .
- Friday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Saturday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA2 .
Week of May 16-May 21, 2022:
- Monday: To be determined.
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Wednesday: To be determined.
- Thursday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA2.
- Friday: To be determined
- Saturday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA2.
Week of May 9-May 14, 2022:
- Monday: Underground construction in FSA1 & FSA3.
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA2 & FSA3.
- Wednesday: To be determined.
- Thursday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1 & FSA3.
- Friday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3. Underground construction in FSA1 & FSA3.
Week of May 2-May 7, 2022:
- Monday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1.
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3. Underground consultations in FSA2 & FSA3.
- Wednesday: To be determined.
- Thursday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1. Underground consultations in FSA3.
- Friday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1. Underground consultations in FSA3.
- Saturday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1.
Week of April 25-April 29, 2022:
- Monday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3 & FSA1. Underground consultations in FSA2.
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1. Underground consultations in FSA2 & FSA1 & FSA3.
- Wednesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3
- Thursday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3 & FSA1.
- Friday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1. Underground consultations in FSA3.
Week of April 18-April 23, 2022:
- Monday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3 & FSA1.
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3. Underground consultations in FSA2 & FSA1 & FSA3.
- Wednesday: To be determined.
- Thursday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1.
- Friday: To be determined.
- Saturday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
Week of April 11-April 16, 2022:
- Monday: To be determined.
- Tuesday: To be determined.
- Wednesday: Underground consultations in FSA2 & FSA1 & FSA3.
- Thursday: To be determined.
- Friday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Saturday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
Week of April 4-April 9, 2022:
- Monday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Tuesday: To be determined.
- Wednesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Thursday: To be determined.
- Friday: To be determined.
- Saturday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
Week of March 28-April 2, 2022:
- Monday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3 & FSA2.
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3 & FSA2 & FSA1.
- Wednesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Thursday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA1.
- Friday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Saturday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Underground trenching, blowing & pulling fiber in FSA2 & FSA1 & FSA3
Week of March 21-March 26, 2022:
- Monday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Wednesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Thursday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Friday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Saturday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
Week of March 14-March 19, 2022:
- Monday: FSA3 is lit up. Scheduled customer installations in FSA3 begin. Testing of dark fiber in FSA3.
- Tuesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3 & FSA1.
- Wednesday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3 & FSA2.
- Thursday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3 & FSA1.
- Friday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
- Saturday: Scheduled customer installations in FSA3.
The Whip City Fiber site also has FAQs with information on the topics below at Whip City Fiber Goshen FAQs.
- Signing Up
- Goshen Installation Costs [with a link to the “Detailed Drop Policy” in item 1 of this section]
- Other Costs
- General Information
- Information on email, phone, streaming and television
- Connection speeds
- Equipment
- Phone Service (VOIP)
- Technical Information
- Customer Installations
- Security
- Outages
- Suspend or Cancel Service
Click here for information on Streaming TV & movies over the internet & Streaming Services.
Click here for the Whip City Fiber Help Center which has information on the topics below:
- Troubleshooting your internet & router wireless network connection
- What to know if there is an outage
- How to access your customer portal
- How can I get the best speeds from Whip City Fiber
- How to customize and utilize your OOMA premier VOIP phone (if you signed up for VOIP phone service)
Click here for Whip City Fiber Customer Service & Technical Support contact information.
A terms and conditions document can be found at Goshen Whip City FIber Terms and Conditions.
For a complete list of current (late 2020 & beyond) project updates click on High Speed Internet postings in Town News & Announcements.
Additionally you can go to the High Speed Internet project page.
For a glossary of terms used go to Goshen MLP High Speed Internet Glossary.