The November state election ballots finally came in, and on Thursday, 10/13/22, 164 ballots were mailed to the voters who requested to vote by mail. Fun fact: that is roughly 20% of Goshen’s total voters!
You may return your ballot in person (my office hours are Mondays 8:30-2:30 and 6-8), by mail (postage paid) or place it in the town clerk drop box at the top of the stairs to the left of the door of the Town Offices, 40 Main St. Ballots returned in person or by drop box must be delivered by 8pm on Election Day. Ballots returned by mail from inside the United States must reach my office by 5pm on November 12, 2022, in order to be counted. Mailed ballots received after 8pm on Election Day can only be counted if they are postmarked by Election Day.
Want to vote by mail? Return the post card that the State sent out or use this portal to apply: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/MailInRequestWeb/MailInBallot.aspx
The deadline to apply to vote by mail is 5pm on Tuesday, November 1st.
Other voting options:
- Vote in person, on election day, November 8th, 7am-8pm in the John James Memorial Hall.
- Vote early, in person, in the John James Memorial Hall, on any of these dates:
- Saturday, October 22ndfrom 9am-1pm
- Monday, October 24th from 9am-1pm
- Saturday, October 29thfrom 9am-1pm
- Monday, October 31stfrom 9am-1pm
Please contact Town Clerk Kristen Estelle with any questions or concerns: clerk@goshen-ma.us, 413-268-8236 x107.