Town Caucus- March 15th

Posted on February 25, 2021

Voter News

The 2021 Town Caucus will be held on Monday, March 15th at 7pm in the town hall. All registered voters are invited to participate. Any town resident may be nominated for any of the positions below. Voters will be asked to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer before entering the town hall.  Social distancing and other safety precautions will be in place.

Here is a list of the positions up for nomination and the individuals who currently occupy the seats:

Almoners- 3 years (Kristine Bissell)

Assessors- 3 years (Gina Papineau)

Board of Health- 3 years (Michael Kurland)

Chesterfield/ Goshen Regional School Committee- 3 years (Barton Gage)

Finance Committee (3 years) Angela Otis

Finance Committee (2 years) Vacant

Library Trustees (3 years) Rosemarie Clark

Library Trustees (3 years) Miriam Kurland

Planning Board (5 years) Lisa Newman

Planning Board (2 years) Vacant

Select Board (3 years) Angela Otis

Tilton Farm Supervisors (1 year) Robert Goss

Tilton Farm Supervisors (1 year) Richard Polwrek

Tilton Farm Supervisors (1 year) Roger Culver

Town Clerk (3 years) Kristen Estelle

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