The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Westfield Gas & Electric have partnered with some hilltowns to temporarily offer a high speed internet connection at a central location in each participating town. This connection will offer speeds of up to 200 MBPS for up to 15 concurrent connections. In Goshen, that Wi-Fi connection has been installed at the Town Office building. This connection will be available through June 30, 2021, depending on the duration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. The necessity for extending this access will be determined by the state towards the end of 2020.
When utilizing parking lot Wi-Fi, you must practice all current Massachusetts Department of Public Health guidelines for SAFE SOCIAL DISTANCING (MassDPH Social Distancing Guidelines).
Goshen Town Office & Town Hall – Connect to either:
WhipCityFiber_Wifi OR WhipCityFiber_Wifi-5G
Park in the lot in front of the Town Office and along the side of the Town Hall.
In addition to public Wi-Fi availability in the parking lot next to the Goshen Town Hall & Town Office, the following schools in our area have provided Wi-Fi capabilities to the exterior of buildings. This availability will continue until it is required internally at the schools. Individual schools will be removed from this list when availability ends.
Anne T. Dunphy School in Williamsburg – Connect to: BURGY-Guest
Park along the curb in the front of the building.
Hampshire Regional High School in Westhampton – Connect to: HRSD-Guest
Park along any side of the building, except for the back parking lot area.
New Hingham Regional Elementary School in Chesterfield – Connect to: NHRES-Guest
Park along the sidewalk in FRONT of the school between the cafeteria door and the Pre-School entrance.
R.H. Conwell School in Worthington – Connect to: RHCCEC-Guest
Park along the curb in the front of the building.
Westhampton Elementary School – Connect to: WES-Guest
Park along the sidewalk directly in front of the school in between the main entrance and the corner of the building closest to the parking lot.
William E. Norris School in Southampton – Connect to: NORRIS-Guest
Park along the curb in the front of the building between the main office and the pre-school entry, or park in the spaces along Gunn Rd. Ext., or park directly behind the school closest to the art/music hallway entry at the far end of the parking lot.